The Central Malaita Students Association (CMSA) is a multi-dialect and cultural Student Group Consisting of students from Kwara’ae, Langalanga, Kwai and Ngongosila, Malaita Outer Islands, Kwaio and Fataleka.
Our vision and objective is to protect the norms and cultural values of our members while at the same time we enhance our academic knowledge and skills towards the promotion of development and the improvement of living standards in our respective regions.
The site welcomes any contribution by way of information, comments, news articles, photos etc from its members and interested members of the public to ensure we are well informed of all the developments in our villages, constituencies, regions, islands, country, region and the world at large as well.
However, any transmission of information, news and comments is intended only for the use of the members of the Association. Any use or dissemination of information provided in this site in other websites or medium of information is not the responsibility of the Association, and the Association cannot be held liable for it. The contents of this webpage, unless expressly stated, do not comprise the views of the Association or any representation by the Association, but are views of its individual members.
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- Central Malaita Student Association(CMSA) would include Malaita Outter Islands
student as of next year.That means if you are from Malaita Outter Islands, you are part of CMSA.
- This site is currently undergoing some major changes.
"Youth is a blunder; Manhood is a struggle; Old age is a regret - (BENJAMIN DISRAELI (1804 - 1881)" |
Vakavuku, SISA custom dancers administrator
Central Malaita Dancing Group at the Tsunami Appeal at Laucala Campus administrator
AUKI WHARF administrator
REACHING OUT....A young boy from Kilusakwalo reading through a pamphlet about RAMSIâs work in Solomon Islands which was
distributed during a meeting by a RAMSI Outreach Team to the village yesterday. PICTURE: MOFFAT MAMU administrator
A Malaita Ramo - JanesOceania.com
A house found it self submerged as a result of the Tsunami - Lifhaus.com">
Jacinta Moli from Central Malaita representing Solomon Islands in Powerlifting during the Commonwealth Games administrator
Tennis Queen Irine George from Central Malaita" ">
Thursday, March 29, 2007 |
SIBConline news 19:03 hrs 29/03/2007
Police in Australia have laid criminal charges against retired Federal Court Judge Marcus Einfeld (pictured on your right). He's been charged with 13 offences including perjury, perverting the course of justice and making and using false statutory declarations.
The charges were laid by detectives from Strike Force Chanter who've been investigating allegations Mr Einfeld gave false evidence when he successfully challenged a speeding fine in a Sydney court.
Police say the charges relate to four separate traffic offences.Mr Einfeld has been granted conditional bail and will face Sydney's Downing Centre Local Court next month.
Mr Einfeld was initially Solomon Islands government's choice to head a commission of inquiry into the last April riots in Honiara. |
posted by administrator @ 8:38 PM |
Department of the Prime Minister Office and the Cabinet From the Office of the Special Coordinator/RAMSI
RAMSI Special Coordinator Tim George has congratulated the Solomon Islands police for the hard work that has transformed them from a troubled organisation to a strong, effective and professional police force. Speaking to representatives from the Pacific anti-corruption group, Transparency International, Mr George said a well-governed, professional police force is central to Solomon Islands efforts to combat corruption. “The transformation of the Solomon Islands Police Force (SIPF) has been fundamental to much of the progress that has been achieved by Solomon Islanders, with RAMSI’s assistance, in other areas of national life,” Mr George said. “From a low point, the SIPF has achieved a painful but radical internal reform that, I believe, far outstrips any similar reforms attempted in the past few decades by other forces in the region.” The Special Coordinator noted the commitment of the acting Police Commissioner Walter Kola and Assistant Commissioner of Strategic Directions and Performance Eddie Sikua to the reform process. Mr George said the SIPF has been working with RAMSI’s Participating Police Force (PPF) on strategic planning, good governance practices, internal inspection audits and a proactive complaints regime. “I congratulate the SIPF. To achieve the shift in attitude and behaviour that has occurred is remarkable and it is a testament to the many decent, hard-working Solomon Islands police who have seized the opportunity to remake their force.” The Special Coordinator noted that the corrosive impact of corruption in undermining institutions and people’s confidence in them has far reaching consequences in small developing nations which are still in the process of building their economies, basic infrastructure and integrity systems. “Exposing the link between corruption and arrested development, allowing people to join the dots that connect the moral state of their leaders and their nation with its economic health, is one of the keys to combating corruption,” he said.
posted by administrator @ 8:22 PM |
SIBConline News
Moffat Mamu on 29 March, 2007 - 5:39pm. Sport
IN his little office at the CEMA Building, Port Cruz, Terry O’Donnell sits unnoticed but he’s a man that every soccer fanatic would like to talk to.A former Liverpool striker and the only victorious Vanuatu coach, O’Donnell is in the country for a short stint not to play football but to help Solomon Islanders with rural development on a World Bank project.
O'Donnell who once played with Liverpool plays a low profile on his job but outside of his job he follows football like any mad fan.Vanuatu is one country that will never forget him because he is the only man that led them to their only Melanesian Cup triumph about 17 years ago and created history by beating the Socceroos during his reign as their coach.
Accidentally he met-up with his one time first eleven player Harry Atisson, who was here last week to officiate the match between Marist and AS Temanava of Tahiti. "Everybody in Vanuatu remembers the name," says Attison when he introduced himself to me this week.
To another extreme - nobody knows him in downtown Honiara or even in the corridors he’s working as he keeps a low profile and confines to his job.One of the biggest contributions to that is the nature of his job, which limits him from outdoor activities except to glue him to his table.But today, the former Liverpool man hopes to catch a glimpse of football by heading to the soccer pitches to watch the DJ League.The Solomons, in his opinion, is fast becoming a powerhouse of football in the region especially with its recent achievements in the last World Cup qualifiers.
In contrast, he believes, Vanuatu soccer is on the nosedive since his departure in the early 90s because of the axing of the school of excellence program he once introduced.He believes that with Australia now joining Asia, there’s likelihood of an island nation qualifying to the World Cup.Attison who officiated during many Solomon Islands matches including the famous 2-2 draw with Australia in 2004 further endorsed that.He rates the Solomons as the best team in Oceania.
He said the Solomons has great potential to be top contenders in Oceania as they have the players to do it.O’Donnell believes that Ni Vanuatu and Solomon Islanders are more skilful compared to their Fijian counterparts who are more physical.Atisson said Solomon Islands has played a rare blend of football with English influence whilst Vanuatu is more of French.But he rates SI above their Melanesian neighbours.
O’Donnell believes that the two neighbours have a good chance of making the world stage of the world game given their skill and passion for football.He played for Liverpool from 1967-8 during which he got 100 pounds per week.Today Liverpool’s stars are paid in millions not hundreds.
Despite that, O’Donnell whose family members support Everton not Liverpool recalls that it was big money.During his two years he played along side one of England’s great strikers Roger Hunt who was a World Cup winner.He then moved on to New Zealand straight after and in 1981-84 he played for the All Whites.In 1987 he moved to Vanuatu as the manager of Melitco Company during which he involved in the Port Villa soccer.
From 1988-93 he was the Vanuatu national coach, during which he led the Vanuatu side to a 1-0 win over Australia and won the Melanesian Cup.He clearly remembered that the Solomon team was on their way home and were in the same plane as their Vanuatu competitors and they even joined them for the victory parade in the Vila street.
Now a Kiwi, O’Donnell still follows football especially his English team. He was disappointed with their 1-1 draw over the weekend but hopes for a better result against Andora this morning.When asked if he would take an offer to coach the Solomons, O’Donnell said “yes”.He said he’s still very much interested in coaching and believes that one day he’ll return to the islands to do the job he really loves.
The Englishman believes that with proper coaching the islanders can do very well at the world stage.With the little time he has, O’Donnell hopes to see as much football as he can to get a taste of what local soccer is like.But for now he’s much into the business of getting his job done with the World Bank before any thoughts of the round ball comes to mind. |
posted by administrator @ 7:44 PM |
Date yet to set for Afeau’s decision |
Solomonstar news Moffat Mamu on 29 March, 2007 A DATE to deliver the decision on whether or not the sacking of the former Attorney General is lawful has not been set by the three judges in the Court of Appeal yesterday.Lawyers representing the Judicial Legal Service Commission, the government and the Acting Attorney General made their final submissions to the Court of Appeal to rule on the case yesterday.
Former Attorney General, Primo Afeau is questioning the power of the Legal Service Commission to revoke him from his position as the country’s Attorney General.The three court of Appeal judges, Justices Peter Salmon, Michael Adams and Justice Lord Slynn in the course of the submissions have said that if the sacking of the former Attorney General is unlawful then he is still the attorney general of the country.
They however, stated that this is an important case and that they would need time to make their decision.Mr Afeau was sacked last year following a row between the Prime Minister, Manasseh Sogavare, over the two controversial terms in the Terms of Reference of the Honiara April 18th riots Commission of Inquiry.
He advised the executive of the Sogavare Government to remove the two terms because of possible contempt of court since the Commission of inquiry will be open to the public and that court hearings relating to the riot taking place around the same time.The two terms were related to the detention and circumstances surrounding the arrest of two Honiara MPs, Charles Dausabea and Nelson Ne’e for their alleged involvement in the riot. Seen in the above picture is the MP Charles Dausabea being escorted by police officers in relation to the Chinatown riots. The two MPs are now currently on bail.
Afeau’s action resulted in the PM losing confidence in him as principal legal adviser and opted for Julian Moti as his replacement. |
posted by administrator @ 7:34 PM |
FijiSun News
The University of the South Pacific Student Association has sought the military’s assistance to investigate the alleged abuse of association funds by executives from September 2004 to May 2005. (Seen in the picture are last years USPSA members with the Vice Chancellor Anthony Tarr).
Association president Ruiti Tawanang said it had been resolved in the second student council meeting for the matter to be reported to the military.
"One of the student, Gabriel Penjueli, who led an investigation in 2006, had been given the task to prepare all the evidence and submit it to the military. It has been long overdue," said Ms Tawanang.
Mr Penjueli said the association had sought the military’s help as the alleged perpetrators were migrating. He said main witnesses that had been studying at USP at that time had completed their studies and left. The audit report has revealed that more than $87,000 was abused by this executive between 2004 and 2005. |
posted by administrator @ 4:03 PM |
PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea (The National, March 27) – Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare paid tribute to the founding fathers of Melanesia, when signing the historic Melanesia Spearhead Group constitution last Friday. [PIR editor’s note: The Melanesian Spearhead Group comprises the four Melanesian states of Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Fiji. The Group signed the region’s Preferential Trade Agreement in 1994 - a sub-regional trade treaty established to foster and accelerate economic development through trade relations.] Sir Michael, who is also the chairman of the Melanesian Spearhead Group, signed the constitution along with the prime ministers of Solomon Islands and Vanuatu Manasseh Sogovare and Hami Lini respectively, Fiji’s interim foreign minister and representatives of FLNKS (New Caledonia) in Port Vila last Friday. In his speech after the signing ceremony, Sir Michael paid tribute to the founding fathers of Melanesian Spearhead Group, who included the former prime minister of Solomon Islands, the late Solomon Mamaloni, and the former prime minister of Vanuatu, the late Fr Walter Lini. "I pay tribute to the founding fathers of Melanesia for their foresight in setting up the foundation for the people of Melanesia to collectively help each other," Sir Michael said. "The foundation has set up our people as we share the same customs and traditions that have been carried on for thousand of years and the signing of this constitution marks that special relationship that we people in Melanesia share. Melanesian Spearhead Group is the promoter of our cultures and tradition through this constitution that will guide us. The constitution also agrees for our countries in Melanesia to work together as team for the promotion of our economic and trade activities, which would go a long way in assisting our people’s way of life in Melanesia." Sir Michael and other Melanesian leaders signed the constitution at Port Vila witnessed by the head of State of Vanuatu Kalkot Matas Kelekele. |
posted by administrator @ 3:28 PM |
Solomon Islands lawyers share knowledge and experience |
PFnet News.com
The Honourable Chief Justice of the High Court of Solomon Islands, Sir Albert Palmer (on the left in the picture), has urged the legal profession to learn from each other and continue to develop their professional skills.
The Chief Justice was speaking at the opening of a continuing legal education program bringing together many of the nation’s lawyers on Wednesday (28 March 2007).
"We must all remain on top of our professional work and aspire to do our work better. Judges are no exception. To do this requires training, discussion and debate," Sir Albert said.
"I am pleased that we have the resources in this country to undertake this kind legal training here, to use our own expertise and to make it available to many of our lawyers. If we had to send people overseas to continue their legal education, the opportunity would be limited to just a few people.
"The Chief Justice thanked the Solomon Islands Bar Association and the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands Law and Justice Program for responding to his request to support this ongoing training program.
The Continuing Legal Education Program began last year with the assistance of RAMSI’s Law and Justice program.
As a result of feedback from the 2006 workshops, this year’s program includes an emphasis on ethics and professional responsibilities, as well as family law. Observing the workshop, Ms Christine Fowler from the Law and Justice Program noted the value of this type of training.
"It is important to build the capacity and skills of lawyers as this strengthens the legal system and ensures greater access to justice for those who need it," Ms Fowler said.
"For example, when lawyers are trained in family law, families can access legal advice and help when they are in trouble, for things like divorce, domestic violence issues and property disputes. This can be particularly important for women."
The legal skills workshop and “moot” or mock court training will also focus on criminal and civil proceedings. It is aimed at legal professionals from the Public Solicitors Office, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, and the Attorney-General’s Chambers.
It coincides with a short High Court vacation, giving lawyers the opportunity to attend this intensive program – three days this week, and two further days after Easter.
posted by administrator @ 3:13 PM |
SIBConline news 12:11 hrs 29/03/2007
About 200 workers of the Russell Islands Plantation Estates Limited, RIPEL, yesterday refused to let Chairman of the company, Patrick Wong get off a helicopter which landed at Yandina wharf.A fisherman in the Russell Islands, Yorsefa Leo, reports from Yandina at the incident happened about mid-day yesterday.
Mr Leo says the people petitioned Mr Wong who was leading a four-member delegation to Yandina with two demands."No fair representation in the delegation led by Mr Wong. The second demand was that striking workers want to see that while cases relating to the strike issue of International Comtrade Shipping Limited, ICSI, are before the court, they do not like any disturbances or development there."
Mr Leo says all parties to the strike issue must wait for the court to decide on pending cases before anything is done.He says Mr Wong and his delegation returned to Honiara safely after some discussions with police and union officials at Yandina.
Mr Wong's company I-C-S-L is the overseas shareholder in RIPEL. |
posted by administrator @ 3:07 PM |
Airlines acquire new jet |
Solomon Star news
by Moffat Mamu on 29 March, 2007
SOLOMON Islands national carrier, Solomon Airlines have acquired a new aircraft jet which will serve its international route soon.
A delegation from Solomon Airlines led by Manager of Commercials Wilson Ne’e is currently in Brisbane to inspect the new airbird.The delegation with members of the local media will today visit the hanger and see the new aircraft, which is a jet.
The jet is currently undergoing refurbishing work both internal and external now going through its final stages.According to Ne’e the deal to get the new jet is a damp lease which is going for a longer term.Solomon Airlines in partnership with an Australian airline service Sky Airway have struck the deal recently.He said Sky Airway have sourced the aircraft for the Airlines to utilize it.
The aircraft is a new generation jet unlike the current classic aircraft which is old and is and manually controlled.It has computerized cockpit in which everything is done at touch of a button.The jet is only two years old, much smaller but faster and is fuel efficiency.The arrival of the aircraft to Honiara and its opening is yet to be decided.
The local media was not allowed from not taking pictures of the whole body of the aircraft except for its interior part until its grand-opening. |
posted by administrator @ 11:38 AM |
Oceaniasoccer.com Wednesday, 28th March 2007
With the distractions of appeals and delays over the NZFC behind them, Waitakere United head away to New Caledonia this week for a crucial away tie in the Oceania Champions League.The match on Sunday against Mont Dore begins the most important and demanding fortnight in the history of the club, with fixtures against Auckland City in both the O-League and the NZFC Grand Final still to come.
Head Coach Steve Cain says his players have been well prepared for the demands of away travel."We have spent a great deal of time preparing the players for everything that such a trip can throw at them. The travel will be tiring and the lure of the swimming pool and beaches will be an unwanted distraction from the job at hand - and that is before we even get to the match itself."
"We have enjoyed a successful season to date but just how we will look back on the past 6 months will largely depend on how we perform over the next few weeks. We are under no illusions that Mont Dore will be a different proposition at home and at full strength."Cain will travel without his club captain with Danny Hay (international duty) but will otherwise take a full strength squad to Mont Dore.
Daniel Ellensohn, Michael White, Marcel Isakowitz and Mikael Munday are not eligible for the O-League but such is the depth in the squad this season, Cain is confident others are ready to perform.
"Much of what we have achieved this year has been down to the depth in the squad and the experience we have been able to call on. Former youth international Jason Rowley is back after another injury lay off and has been training well and I have every faith in George Suri and Rupesh Puna to lead the side defensively in Danny's absence."Waitakere are not concerned either with mathematical calculations with regards winning Group A. A win over Mont Dore will leave Waitakere needing a draw against Auckland in their final game and that is the bottom line for Cain, winning.
"Nothing less than a win is our goal on Sunday and while we must play with a degree of caution as the away side, we will be targeting three points. In doing so we must overcome the travel, hot conditions and the intimidation of the local fans but I am confident we can come away with the right result."Waitakere will return and without delay face Auckland City in the final group match at Kiwitea Street on Wednesday April 4th in what promises to be one of the most demanding and exciting club matches in the history of New Zealand Soccer.
Quite possibly it will be winner takes all in terms of qualification to the home and away O-League finals against Fijian champions Ba. |
posted by administrator @ 8:53 AM |
Department of the Prime Ministers Office and Cabinet.com By George Herming
The Minister of Finance and Treasury Gordon Darcy Lilo today announced a number of policies aimed at strengthening financial management by government ministries this year. The policies were contained in a finance circular issued to all government accounting officers which reminded them of their roles and responsibilities under the Public Finance and Audit Act and the Financial Instructions. He warned accounting officers to stick to the rules of public financial management. “Ignorance of the content of Financial Instructions shall not be accepted as an excuse where a public officer causes any loss whatsoever to government or creates any error or inaccuracy in any record of any type,” Mr Lilo warned. Mr Lilo Permanent Secretaries who are accounting officers for their ministries have primary responsibility for expenditure control and proper financial management of public funds under their control. “The permanent secretaries must ensure that public funds are spent effectively to achieve the outcomes and service deliveries expected and desired by the government,” he said. He said permanent secretaries also have the duty to plan and manage their expenditures carefully over the financial. The Minister said his Ministry this year has not made any reserves but made full allocation of funds to respective ministries to enable them to plan and carry out the government’s agenda. “Careful planning is essential, particularly in relation to the management of development projects,” he said. Under new financial arrangements which will take effect on April 1, Ministries will be required to allow for a period of 14 days for the treasury division upon receipt of correctly completed paperwork to process payment vouchers or raise Local Purchase Orders. Mr Lilo said expenditures on development projects must get approval from the Prime Minister and Finance Minister where Ministries require the Treasury Division to process documents in less than fourteen days. “Ministries that regularly seek approval for processing of urgent payments for development projects will be taken as an indication that the permanent secretary of that Ministry is not taking proper care to plan their expenditure,” Mr Lilo said.
posted by administrator @ 8:26 AM |
Wednesday, March 28, 2007 |
SIBConline news 18:21 hrs 28/03/2007
India’s new High Commissioner to Solomon Islands Satya P Mann presented his credentials to the Governor General Sir Nathaniel Waena in Honiara today.
Sir Nathaniel said the bilateral future of the two countries looks bright and Solomon Islands is ready to support India on global issues.The Governor General expressed optimism in the Indian diplomat to enhance new dimensions for practical realization between the two countries.
Sir Nathaniel also said India’s recent acceptance as a dialogue partner by the Pacific Islands Forum in 2003 opens a new and important chapter in the Pacific Region and India.India's high commissioner Mr Satya who will be based in Port Moresby said India and Solomon Islands enjoy warm relations based on mutual respect and understanding.
Mr Satya said India has followed a long and hard road to national development and is willing to share its experience with Solomon Islands.
The diplomatic relation between Solomon Islands and India was established since May 1987 and has since grown from strength to strength. |
posted by administrator @ 8:09 PM |
SIBCnews.com 18:24 hrs 28/03/2007
The Chairman of the Solomon Islands College Higher Education Council, Clement Kengava, has called on the College Staff Association members to return to work.He re-iterates his call since the matter in dispute between the staff associations members and the College Council has been referred to the Trade Disputes Panel. The college staff have petitioned the removal of director, Gabriel Taloikwai, accusing him of misconduct in the administration of his duties.But Mr Kengava says the matter is now before the Trade Disputes Panel, therefore the SICHE Staff Executive should respect the law and call off the sit-in strike. He says the action is illegal and those not attending to their duties in full may be regarded as absent from work.Mr Kengava says the Council is the legal authority of SICHE and he calls on the SICHE Staff Executive to allow the Trade Disputes Panel to carry out its work. He also questions whether it's right for college unions to seek legal advice from the Attorney General, saying it is a move seeking support outside of the Council's ruling. |
posted by administrator @ 7:47 PM |
Department of the Prime Ministers Office and Cabinet News,
Solomon Islands Prime Minister, Hon Manasseh Sogavare, MP has been awarded the 1st Class Division, the highest order of the Vanuatu medal, along with the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea and Chairman of the Melanesian Spearhead Group, Rt Hon Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare and the Prime Minister of Vanuatu, Hon Ham Lini Vanuaroroa. The medals are normally reserved for Heads of States and Governments. The medals were awarded to the MSG Leaders by the President of the Republic of Vanuatu, His Excellency, Mr Kalkot Matas Kelekele, during the signing of the MSG Agreement in Port Vila, Vanuatu last week in Port Vila. The medals were given to the Solomon Islands Prime Minister along with his other MSG colleagues for recognition of their work in promoting cooperation and solidarity in their respective countries and the MSG region. The Interim Foreign Affairs Minister of Fiji Ratu Epeli Nailatikau and the Spokesperson for the FLNKS of New Caledonia, Mr Victor Tutugoro received the 2nd Class Division, the 2nd highest order of the Vanuatu medal for their work in promoting cooperation and solidarity in the MSG region. The President of the Republic of Vanuatu in presenting the awards to the MSG Leaders congratulated each of them for their work in promoting and advancing the interest of their countries as well as the MSG. The award ceremony was also witnessed by the Speaker of the Vanuatu Parliament, members of the Vanuatu Cabinet, Ministers and officials from the MSG member countries, members of the Diplomatic Corp, customary chiefs and the media.
posted by administrator @ 4:27 PM |
SIBConline News 12:21 hrs 28/03/2007
Secondary schools in Malaita province this week received books funded under the European Union 1999 Stabex fund.
Officials from both the EU and the Ministry of Education attended an official hand-over ceremony of the books in Auki on Tuesday in the presence of provincial education authorities and students.
Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Barnabas Anga said the government believes in investing in its children’s future and in the adequate reform of the education system.
He said the availability of teaching materials was important for conducive learning for teachers and students witnessed by the substantial investment in textbooks. He said the government was serious about education in Solomon Islands and this was demonstrated earlier through the teachers improved conditions of service in the new unified pay structure.
Meanwhile, Mr Anga has also appealed to communities to provide support to their schools because better schools are those supported by their local communities. |
posted by administrator @ 2:14 PM |
SIBConline news 12:35 hrs 28/03/2007
Minister of Finance and Treasury, Gordon Darcy Lilo has issued a directive for government finances to be controlled.Mr Darcy says Government had taken this initiative to ensure public funds are spend on what they were intended for.
The Finance Minister says this measure also will demonstrate how serious government wants to ensure its finances are not diverted to wrong use.He says under the new directives, all responsible and accounting officers have been called on to comply with the financial regulations and instructions.
Mr Darcy says this means all requisitions must be raised through respective accounting officers 14 clear days before the Treasury Department can issue payment.
Mr Darcy explains that the requirement not only controls government finances but also reduces the time taken by the Treasury department to screen payments. |
posted by administrator @ 2:09 PM |
The National Online By HARLYNE JOKUPORT
Moresby South MP Dame Carol Kidu has won a prestigious award from the United States government.She has been awarded the Secretary of State’s award for International Women of Courage.
Dame Carol was recognised for her courage and leadership in advocating social justice and women’s rights and advancement in PNG.United States ambassador Leslie Rowe announced Dame Carol’s award yesterday describing her as a woman of exceptional courage, who stood up for social injustice and women and children’s issues in PNG.
Ambassador Rowe said Dame Carol was nominated on recommendation from the US embassy, who had recognised her tireless efforts in fighting against poverty, HIV/AIDS and social issues.
A text from the United States under secretary for democracy and global affairs Paula Dobriansky to Dame Carol read:"On behalf of the US Department of State, I would like to congratulate you on your selection by embassy Port Moresby as part of an important group, international women of courage.
“We honour you for your exceptional courage and leadership in advocating women’s rights and advancement in your nation. "Your achievements have helped to create transformative changes within your country and have set a positive example for emerging leaders worldwide."As Secretary Rice noted, 'women of courage are standing up for freedom and human dignity, and the United States stands with them.
We must not forget that the advance of women’s rights and the advance of human liberty go hand in hand'. As we observe International Women’s Day 2007, I thank you for your contributions in furthering the cause of freedom, justice, peace and equality.”Dame Carol Kidu could not attend the presentation due to a death in her family. Ambassador Rowe said the award would be presented to her at a later date.
The announcement of the award coincides with a National Women's Week event where invited guests were invited to view a film "Mighty Times: The Legacy of Rosa Parks. "Guests, mostly women said the film was inspiring about Rosa Parks, a black American heroine and a true woman of courage. She sparked a revolution against the injustice of racial segregation by a simple act of defiance. She refused to give up her seat in a bus to a White Man. |
posted by administrator @ 12:31 PM |
Hands off whistle blower: USP staff |
Fijilive news
Wednesday March 28, 2007
Staff at the University of the South Pacific say they will "fight tooth and nail" to protect those who leaked information on salaries of the regional institution's management.
USP staff association president Dr Mahendra Reddy claims that a head hunt is underway following an e-mail that leaked the purported salary details of eight senior management staff. By Pacific regional standard, the figures are seen to be 'exorbitant', prompting investigation by the Fiji Government that contributed $38m this year to the institution.
"I don't think we need to find out who leaked them. Whistle blowers should be protected. That is the new governance strategy. I am worried that the university wants to go after the whistle blowers," said Dr Reddy.
"The union will see that the whistle blowers do not get touched." The USP has officially denied the claims made in the e-mails, particularly concerning the benefits given its management.
However, Dr Reddy maintains that the pay slips are genuine, but admits that relative to the global market the salaries may not be exorbitant. He has called for an investigation into the financial management of the university.
"There are some major accusations made in regards to financial management. But those are tip of the iceberg. What needs to be done is a detailed audit of financial management at USP." |
posted by administrator @ 12:22 PM |
RAMSI welcomes new Deputy Special Coordinator |
RAMSI.com Submitted by Anne McCaig on Wed, 28/03/2007 - 10:03am. Monday 26th March 2007
The Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands this week welcomed new Deputy Special Coordinator Dr Jonathan Austin, a senior diplomat with significant experience in the Pacific. Speaking on Dr Austin’s arrival, Special Coordinator Tim George acknowledged the contribution of New Zealand to the RAMSI partnership with Solomon Islands.
"New Zealand has contributed its best and brightest across the board to this mission and we are very pleased to now welcome Jonathan Austin to the leadership group," Mr George said.
"Jonathan Austin replaces outgoing Deputy Special Coordinator Paul Ash whose achievements have been exceptional. I am confident that Jonathan is equally well prepared to take up the challenges of this post given his previous experience in East Timor and the Pacific.
"We look forward to the contributions of Jonathan Austin and welcome his wife, Salote, and their family to Solomon Islands."
Dr Austin’s most recent post was as Deputy High Commissioner, Pretoria, South Africa. He was the NZ Representative/Consul-General in East Timor from 2000 to 2002, and Deputy High Commissioner to Tonga for three years from 1997.
His appointment as Deputy Special Coordinator is for two years. |
posted by administrator @ 12:17 PM |
PM should accept Downer’s invitation – Fono says |
PFnet News 27 March 2007
The Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare should accept the request by Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer for the government to send a delegation to Canberra for dialogue to mend the sour diplomatic stand-off between the two neighbours.
Opposition leader Fred Fono urges the Sogavare government to accept the request because the official trip to Canberra can pave the way for normalization of diplomatic relations between Australia and Solomon Islands.
He says Prime Minister Sogavare and his colleague Ministers should forget whatever dislikes or differences they may have of Australia, its politics and its leaders, adding the assistance rendered by Canberra towards Solomon Islands is of crucial importance in the rebuilding process.
Mr. Fono says while he can appreciate Mr. Sogavare’s assurance that he always believes in negotiation and dialogue, he needs to respond to Mr. Downer’s request as soon as possible.The diplomatic stand-off and Solomon Islands refusal to extradite suspended Attorney General, Julian Moti to Australia to face child sex charges remain the outstanding obstacles in the Australia-Solomon Islands diplomatic relations.
© Office of the Leader of the Opposition |
posted by administrator @ 10:00 AM |
NZ Soccer.com San Jose, Costa Rica March 24, 2007 All Whites coach Ricki Herbert is adamant New Zealand’s bid to qualify for the 2010 World Cup will be enhanced - rather than hindered - by the football lesson Costa Rica handed his side on Sunday. The newly crowned Central American champions humbled New Zealand 4-0 with two goals in each half – the last of them a dubious penalty - at San Jose’s Richardo Saprissa Stadium. It was not the start to 2007 Herbert had hoped for although the result was not entirely unpredictable given that Costa Rica are ranked 79 places above an out-of-season All Whites lineup missing Ryan Nelsen, Simon Elliott and Chris Killen and playing on a foreign artificial pitch. Herbert was especially disappointed with the defensive hesitancy that gifted Costa Rica 8th and 19th minute goals to Alvaro Sabono and Alonso Solis respectively. Midfield whiz Bryan Ruiz added Costa Rica’s third when he pounced on a defensive collision between Che Bunce and Tim Brown after 58 minutes before Sabono completed the rout from the penalty spot when All Whites captain Danny Hay was cruelly pinged for hand ball. The bumpy, bouncy synthetic pitch in Costa Rica’s capital did not help New Zealand but Herbert was not looking for excuses afterwards. He stood by his decision to experiment with a back three and to continually pitch his under-strength All Whites against opponents ranked well above them. Herbert is convinced the tough build-up will help New Zealand qualify for the Confederations Cup in 2009 by winning in Oceania as well as giving his side a genuine chance in a potential World Cup playoff with Asia’s fifth-ranked team in early 2010. “Our ambition is to be back on the world stage in 2009 but before then we’re going to take a few beltings along the way…tonight was one of them,” Herbert said. “But I’ve got no doubt these sorts of hurdles will hold us in good stead when we come to World Cup qualifying in Oceania. “If you’re not going to learn from nights like this, then I don’t think you’re ever going to learn and I’d rather be facing these nights than sitting at home contemplating what it might be like.” Herbert knows his decision to play a back three will be put under a media microscope but refuses to believe the experiment backfired. Instead he pointed to defensive hesitancy by players wary of the unfamiliar surface – many of them who haven’t played club football for two months – for Costa Rica’s goals. It took the introduction of 19-year-old Fulham reserve team playmaker Chris James – on in the 63rd minute for striker Jeremy Brockie – to spark the All Whites. Starting striker Shane Smeltz battled gamely for 90 minutes and central midfielder Ivan Vicelich grew into the game but New Zealand were otherwise let down by a poor first touch and wasted possession. Herbert said the acid was now on individuals to stand up when New Zealand face 74th-ranked Venezuela on Thursday (11am NZT). Utility David Mulligan joins the side on Monday (NZT) for the match in Maracaibo after playing the full 90 minutes for English League One leaders Scunthorpe United in their draw at Leyton Orient on Sunday (NZT). “It takes a lot to disappoint me but I was disappointed today. There’s going to have to be some individual responsibility,” Herbert said. “The good thing is the players won’t leave this dressing room without being massively disappointed…we’ve got a lot of work to do.” Costa Rica 4 (Alvaro Sabono 9, 80 pen; Alonso Solis 19, Bryan Ruiz 58) New Zealand 0. Halftime: 2-0.
posted by administrator @ 8:29 AM |
SIBConline news 19:45 hrs 27/03/2007
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry has urged the government to investigate allegations of poor governance and corruption inside the Lands Department. Chairman of the Chamber Peter Goodwin says on several occasions in 2005 and 2006 and now again in 2007, the Chamber has raised questions regarding the performance of Lands Department.
Mr Goodwin says the matters raised largely ranged from the unacceptable length of time it takes the Commissioner of Lands and his staff to process applications.He says the Chamber also questions issues surrounding the legality of certain land dealings and ownership transfers and the appropriateness of some re-zoning approvals.
Mr Goodwin says the Chamber has raised concerns at what appears to be, inappropriate behaviour by some people in positions of power and what may be illegal dealings.He says there was little response from government authorities despite several follow-ups. Mr Goodwin says the Chamber questions the tender process and why government sell properties when there is a shortage of housing.
He says the Chamber believes that Good Governance, simple honesty and strict adherence to operating procedures in the public service, provides for a business environment in the country that encourages private enterprise performance and growth. |
posted by administrator @ 8:13 AM |
SIBConline news 19:48 hrs 27/03/2007
Battle against corruption remains an uphill challenge in the Pacific region, particularly in Solomon islands.Speaker of National Parliament, Sir Peter Kenilorea highlighted this sentiment when he officially opened the Transparency International Regional Conference in Honiara this morning.
Sir Peter told the conference that the full extend of corruption in the country is yet to be fully realized.He said in most cases, corruption cases have become embedded in our way of life.He said corruption is eating away at the fabric of life and something must be done urgently to address this growing threat.Sir Peter described the evil of corruption as a ball of snow which increases in strength and density as it rolls.
The three-day seminar is being attended by representatives from Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, PNG, Vanuatu and Solomon islands.Local representatives also include officials from Non government organisations and the Office of the Auditor General.
Meanwhile Sir Peter has praised Transparency International for its initiative in developing programme to curb corruption in Asia and the Pacific.He said the system puts in place mechanism for measuring anti-corruption efforts and progress and building demand for effective national integrity systems in Asia and the Pacific.
Sir Peter said he was confident the programme will help strengthen the anti-corruption systems and reduce the evils of corruption.But Sir Peter also highlighted the need for more public awareness and understanding of corruption and good governance, saying very little is known at the village level. |
posted by administrator @ 8:12 AM |
Tuesday, March 27, 2007 |
RNZI/ Pacnews Tue, 27 Mar 2007
PORT VILA, VANUATU ---- A tropical cyclone, that has formed northwest of Vanuatu, is expected to affect land areas within the next six to twelve hours.
Seven hours ago, Cyclone Becky was located about 350 kilometers west of the Torres group.
Radio New Zealand International reports the cyclone was moving east southeast at the speed of seven knots.
Vanuatu Met Service forecaster, Abel Kalo said winds at the centre of the cyclone are estimated at about 80 kilometres per hour and intensifying.
“The gale force winds of 35 knots, that’s 65 kilometers per hour, are expected to affect Torba Province in the next six to twelve hours and later extending to Sanma Province.”
Heavy rainfall is also expected over the northern islands that may cause the overflowing of river banks. |
posted by administrator @ 5:41 PM |
SIBConline news 12:20 hrs 27/03/2007
Auditor General Augustine Floyd Fatai says government's intention to have the Regional Assistance Mission leave by December 2008 is not feasible.
Mr Fatai says the government was planning an exit strategy for RAMSI and has earmarked December 2008 as the latest for RAMSI personnel in Solomon Islands.
But in an interview with SIBC News, Mr Fatai says that time frame is not practicable, because a lot of work still remains to be done with assistance from RAMSI.
Mr Fatai says the assistance provided under RAMSI must be welcomed because its personnel fill in where the country lacks expertise. |
posted by administrator @ 1:54 PM |
SPORTS DEVELOPMENT: SIFF applauds FIFA for granting its third Goal pro |
SIFF.com news HONIARA, 26 March 2007:
The Solomon Islands Football Federation has greeted FIFA's recent announcement of its success in securing its third Goal Project with delight.
SIFF General Secretary Eddie Ngava says that this third project is part of the Federation's ongoing infrastructure development programme.
He says that FIFA has once again recognized the usefulness of the Goal Project's contribution to football development here in Solomon Islands, hence, the approval of the 3rd Goal Project. The project application had covered the construction of academies and playing fields in the two (2) provinces, namely Noro in the Western Province and Auki, in Malaita Province. "Of course these projects would also attract local contributions for which the two respective provinces have given assurance during the initial negotiations made with them during 2006," he adds.
The FIFA Goal Bureau approved and awarded Solomon Islands its third goal project in its meeting on March 23, 2007. This project amounts to US$400,000 (SBD$3.1m) Speaking in a statement to SIFF president Martin Alufurai, FIFA president Joseph Blatter describes the goal project as one of his priority areas.
"In light of my long-lasting commitment to the universality of football and of the necessary solidarity within the World football family, I am pleased to inform you that your member association is one of the countries selected. This will enable you to realize a third priority project of your association within the framework of football development in your country." The FIFA president stresses that the all useful information relating to the next steps of the Goal Procedure will be sent to SIFF in the near future.
"I am convinced that you will do your utmost to achieve this project and thank you in advance for all your efforts." |
posted by administrator @ 12:33 PM |
FijiTimes News Tuesday, March 27, 2007
THE Ministry of Education is investigating concerns that senior staff at the University of the South Pacific are receiving exorbitant salaries beyond the institution's means. Interim Education Minister Netani Sukanaivalu said their representative at the institution was collating data and statistics on the matter.
Documents purporting to be a correct reflection of the salaries belonging to the university's senior staff have been circulated via e-mail. The documents claim that several staff members are paid more than $200,000 in tax-free salaries and one salary was as high as $470,000 tax-free.
The documents' claims are cause for concern and have prompted the ministry to investigate, Mr Sukanaivalu said.
"We can't take this (emails) for granted," he said. "Our representative is in there and he's collating all these statistics and whatever information we get from our rep then we will decide if we have to take it up with the USP Council," he said. Mr Sukanaivalu said they would present all their findings to the USP Council, which would then decide on the next course of action.
The interim minister's revelation comes as USP's Information Technology Services department embarked on an inquiry into what USP believes were papers doctored to discredit senior staff members.
USP's acting vice chancellor Doctor Esther Williams reassured the institution's staff and students that despite the allegations, their privacy was well protected. Dr Williams took over as acting Vice Chancellor following the resignation of Anthony Tarr. Professor Tarr's resignation becomes effective next month.
Her appointment is temporary pending the USP Council meeting at the end of May. University communications manager Bernadette Hussain said Dr Williams may delegate some of her responsibilities.
"There are no financial implications," she said. |
posted by administrator @ 8:30 AM |
SIBConline News 19:14 hrs 26/03/2007
The Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands this week welcomed new Deputy Special Coordinator Dr Jonathan Austin, a senior diplomat with significant experience in the Pacific.Speaking on Dr Austin’s arrival, Special Coordinator Tim George acknowledged the contribution of New Zealand to the RAMSI partnership with Solomon Islands.
He said New Zealand has contributed its best and brightest across the board to this mission and RAMSI is pleased to welcome Jonathan Austin to the leadership group.He said Jonathan Austin replaces outgoing Deputy Special Coordinator Paul Ash whose achievements have been exceptional.
Mr George said he is confident that Jonathan is equally well prepared to take up the challenges of this post given his previous experience in East Timor and the Pacific.
Dr Austin’s most recent post was as Deputy High Commissioner, Pretoria, South Africa. He was the New Zealand's Consul-General in East Timor from 2000 to 2002, and Deputy High Commissioner to Tonga for three years from 1997.
His appointment as Deputy Special Coordinator is for two years. |
posted by administrator @ 8:25 AM |
SIBConline news 19:22 hrs 26/03/2007
Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has welcomed the formalisation of the Melanesian Spearhead Group as a legalised sub-regional entity for the promotion and strengthening of trade, cultures, economic and technical cooperation amongst its member states.
Mr Sogavare and his counterparts from Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Fiji and New Caledonia last Friday signed a constitutional framework agreement for the MSG in the Vanuatu capital, Port Vila.
The Prime Minister made specific mention of the positive implications for Fiji after the decision to include that country as a signatory to the Agreement.Mr Sogavare said although the developments in Fiji over the past few months have been a concern to all, this is a significant step forward in promoting the unity and solidarity towards the regional neighbour who, despite its recent upheavals, is still an integral part of the Melanesian community.
The Prime Minister said the MSG group had clearly expressed its intent to remain engaged with Fiji by making it a part of the ground-breaking Agreement and endorsing its membership as an independent sovereign state within the region. |
posted by administrator @ 8:23 AM |
SIBConline news 19:20 hrs 26/03/2007
A tropical disturbance advice is current for Rennell-Bellona, Guadalcanal and Makira-Ulawa provinces.The Solomon Islands Meteorological Service has issued a general warning to people in the country not to go out to sea.
It says seas will be very rough, with heavy rain over the three provinces and people should consider action they will need to take as the threat increases.Manoa Tepa, a forecaster with the Solomon Islands Meteorological Service says the tropical low depression was today located 60 nautical miles south of Rennell Island and is moving east between Temotu province and Vanuatu.
Tepa says the Weather office in Honiara is closely watching the low depression which is expected to move away in that direction.He says people must not go out to sea in the next 48 hours.Tepa however says people will start to see some improvement in the weather situation by Wednesday. |
posted by administrator @ 8:22 AM |
Monday, March 26, 2007 |
MSG: Fiji inclusion not over word change |
FijiLive news Monday March 26, 2007
The Melanesian Spearhead Group secretariat says MSG leaders felt it was a good idea for Fiji to be included in the signing of their agreement. The signing for the first formal MSG constitution took place in Vanuatu.
Radio New Zealand International reports Fiji’s inclusion came despite earlier representations by MSG leaders that its military-government had been told it wouldn’t be able to sign. However, the chairman of the secretariat, Johnny Koanapo, denies that Fiji’s inclusion was only made possible by last-minute changes to the preamble of the agreement.
The wording of the preamble, relating to the signatories, changed from "government" to "state". Koanapo said the change meant that the agreement would accommodate everybody. "Allowing members to sign, not as governments, but signing in as a state. I think it makes a bit of a difference as far as the legal experts are concerned.
They analysed that and as far as that’s concerned, they said it would be okay for everybody to sign." Koanapo said MSG leaders had already decided to include Fiji before changes were made to the preamble.
Fiji’s Interim Foreign Minister, Ratu Epeli Nailatikau signed the agreement with other MSG leaders last Friday. |
posted by administrator @ 6:35 PM |
Department of the Prime Ministers Office and Cabinet News By Brian WangaGCU Auki
Community leaders in parts of Malaita have supported the inclusion of government officials in the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Island’s (RAMSI) outreach programs in the country. A former Malaita Premier and Peace worker David Oeta said RAMSI and the Central Government must work closely with the government and key stakeholders in communities to show a spirit of true partnership. Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare have recently called for suspension of a nation-wide RAMSI Outreach Program after RAMSI officials held public consultations in Auki, Malaita province two weeks ago. Mr Sogavare imposed the suspension calling on RAMSI to include government officials in future community outreach programmes because the government is a key partner in RAMSI. Mr Oeta said including government officials will ensure fair awareness talks between all partners involved, including the Government, RAMSI and Communities. “If RAMSI has a package for a community outreach program it should have been more inclusive to ensure there is some form of accountability to the people of Solomon Islands in the contents of the awareness talks,” he said. Auki resident Robert Bilifoa said he believed the reason for suspending the Community Outreach Program was a result of one sided reporting by certain local media accompanying the RAMSI officials. He referred to a Solomon Star report saying 99 percent of Malaitans support RAMSI was misleading. “I am not denying that there is support for RAMSI in Malaita but there must be proven facts before making cheap assumptions” |
posted by administrator @ 6:34 PM |
NZ Herald News Monday March 26, 2007 By Terry Maddaford
Auckland City's South African goal-grabbers Grant Young and Keryn Jordan yesterday broke YoungHeart Manawatu hearts, scoring a goal each half to earn their side another shot at the big time.
City shrugged off the disadvantage of playing away from home to beat Manawatu 3-1 at Palmerston North's FMG Stadium in the New Zealand Football Championship preliminary final. The win books City a place in next month's final against long-time rivals Waitakere United in a replay of the season one decider with City needing to win to claim New Zealand's second spot in next summer's O-League.
In a tough, often physical contest, City called on all their experience and recent run of good results to see off Shane Rufer's side. A well-finished individual effort from Young 11 minutes before halftime gave the visitors the advantage.
In pouncing on a defensive error and drilling a long range shot into the Manawatu goal two minutes into the second spell, Jordan gave the small band of City supporters plenty to cheer about.
Those celebrations were quickly muted when Gustavo Saralegui, who won a spot in the Manawatu starting line-up with Solomon Islander Nelson Sale ruled out with a broken leg, scored from close range a minute later after good work from Benjamin Totori. The home side were caught out in stoppage time when Jonathan Smith headed home from close range to ensure City's ticket to the final.
City must now beat Waitakere United in the North Harbour Stadium final on April 16 if they are to claim a third straight shot at the Oceania National League. Waitakere, as minor premieres, are already assured of their O-League spot. If they beat Auckland City in the final, Manawatu, as runners-up in the round-robin, would claim the second spot and a second O-League campaign.
Before the cross-town rivals meet in the season finale, they will clash in what promises to be the game of the season at Kiwitea St on April 4.
At stake will be the top spot in group A of the O-League. That winner will play group B winner Ba (Fiji) home and away to find the Oceania representative in the Club World Cup in December. |
posted by administrator @ 3:21 PM |
NZ Herald, 6:45AM Monday March 26, 2007
New Zealand men's under-17s soccer team celebrated qualification for the Fifa World Cup in style with a 4-0 win over New Caledonia yesterday.
New Zealand confirmed their ticket to Korea in August after beating Tahiti 2-1 on Friday, but capped their final Oceania qualifying with a solid win.
A hat-trick from Team Wellington sensation Costa Barbarouses sealed the win. |
posted by administrator @ 3:16 PM |
SIBConline news 12:50 hrs 26/03/2007
SIFF technical department will soon meet with clubs to look into pressing issues including a proposed Under 16 competition for children in Honiara.
SIFF Development officer Noel Wagapu says the federation considers setting up a competition for the children because of the high level interest among children.He says all clubs in the current Honiara Football Association league are expected to enter their teams for this proposed league.
Wagapu stresses that with the level of interest among children, SIFF feels it is time to introduce a competition for them.However, he says responsibility will be given to clubs to organize the children and form a team for the competition. |
posted by administrator @ 3:11 PM |
SIBConline News 16:08 hrs 25/03/2007
Lectures at the Solomon Islands College of Higher Education face a likely cancellation tomorrow as staff of the college say they will pursue a sit-in protest over a decision by the college council not to remove the college director.
SIBC News understands both college staff union bodies, CHENLA and CHENASA are adamant about a sit in protest despite the case being referred to the Trade Dispute Panel.
Chairman of the College Council, Northwest Choiseul MP Clement Kengava last Friday discouraged staff from taking a sit-in protest as it would affect innocent students.
But speaking for academic staff members of the College, CHENLA president Duddley Hoala says they want to mount an action that has impact to show they are serious about their demand to remove the college director.
The college staff have petitioned the removal of director, Gabriel Taloikwai, accusing him of misconduct in the administration of his duties.A full meeting of the college council found such allegations as having no basis, and referred the matter to the Trade Dispute Panel. |
posted by administrator @ 10:13 AM |
SIBCnews 16:09 hrs 25/03/2007
Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare returned home this afternoon from Vanuatu where he took part in a meeting of leaders of the Melanesian Spearhead Group, MSG.
The Prime Minister's delegation included the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Patteson Oti.The one-day meeting which took place in Port Vila yesterday enabled MSG leaders to discuss a whole range of issues including the signing of an agreement.
Papua New Guinea Prime Minister, Sir Michael Somare returned home yesterday. Sir Michael had picked up Prime Minister Sogavare and his delegation last Friday on his way to Vanuatu on a chartered flight from Port Moresby. |
posted by administrator @ 9:58 AM |
Friday, March 23, 2007 |
SPORTS: Marist earns three match points in final match |
SIFF news.com HONIARA, 22 March 2007:
Two second half goals from Joe Luwi and James Naka was enough to bring back pride to Solomon Islands soccer and secure the 5th spot in the O' League competition. The duo combined well to unlock AS Temanava defence and creating chances that went begging in the first half. Going nil-all into the breather, Marist coaches must have grilled the players to put aside the first half woes to make a fresh start. It paid dividends when Luwi broke the deadlock minutes after restart. He was on the receiving end of a perfect Naka pass to hammer home past Tahiti's keeper Rudolphe Toromona for the opening goal. It was his third in the tournament. Naka scored one of his own to wrap up Marist campaign in the O' League competition with three points. It was a sweet victory for all Solomon Islanders who are passionate about this round ball game. With three straight loses by Marist starting with their home match with Ba in Honiara and the two away matches in Fiji and Tahiti respectively, many soccer fans had lost all hope in their team. However, the win has resurrected the pride and passion Solomon Islanders have for football. |
posted by administrator @ 8:25 AM |
SIBConline news 18:58 hrs 22/03/2007
Honiara needs better water infrastructure if its residents are to be provided with enough water supply.
General Manager of the Solomon Islands Water Authority, SIWA, John Waki, said this while answering a question at an occasion marking World Water Day in Honiara.
Mr Waki says investing in water infrastructure is very expensive and needs experts.He says what SIWA is getting from its rates of charges is for the services it is providing at the present which is not enough.
Mr Waki says if SIWA is to integrate high technology facilities, replace pipelines and tanks so that it has capacity, consumers have to pay more.He says the population base is very small to support such a huge infrastructure investment."That's the area perhaps the government can come in and recognises the need to support SIWA, recognises the need to subsidise SIWA, or recognises the need to secure the support for SIWA.
Some initiatives have been done by JICA. We are yet to be informed about any confirmation from JICA." Mr Waki says if things go well under that study and they continue to support SIWA, there will be big investment JICA would put in to infrastructure rehabilitation and upgrading of SIWA. |
posted by administrator @ 8:22 AM |
SIBConline news 18:49 hrs 22/03/2007
Farmers from Central Kwara'ae in the Malaita Province, are attending a four days workshop on improving pork quality in their region.
SIBC correspondent at Auki, Duddley Gani reports that the workshop is aimed at improving the quality of pork that the farmers produce.Gani says at present, Central Kwara'ae is the highest producer of pork meat to butcheries, restaurants, hotels and markets in Honiara, producing up to 50 pork carcasses every week.
Gani says that the training is inline with the Central Kwara'ae Constituency development plans 2006 to 2010, and the Governments bottom-up approach policy.
The workshop is jointly funded by the Republic of China Technical Mission and the Central Kwara'ae Rural Constituency Development Funds, and conducted by the Technical Mission Staff of the Republic of China and Malaita Province Agriculture Division. |
posted by administrator @ 8:19 AM |
Thursday, March 22, 2007 |
Department of the Prime Ministers Office and Cabinet By George Herming
The Minister of Finance Gordon Darcy Lilo wants a transparent takeover of the National Bank of Solomon Islands (NBSI) saying the government fully supports the proposition for the PNG-based Bank of the South Pacific (BSP) to acquire NBSI. Mr Lilo made the announcement today in response to complaints that he had delayed the signing of statutory documents that were required to allow the sale of NBSI to BSP. The Managing Director of NBSI Peter Goodwin used a local newspaper today to accuse Mr Lilo for delaying the signing of documents which were due on March 16. But Mr Lilo was unmoved by those accusations saying that he wants to see the current trustees retire shares they manage to a corporate trustee that will distribute benefits directly to indigenous Solomon Islanders. He was referring to shares given by the Bank of Hawaii to the health, education and employees of NBSI before it withdrew from Solomon Islands. Mr Lilo says the shares are currently managed by individual lawyers operating the law firm, Sol Law in Honiara. He said that is the only issue that needs to be transparently sorted out so that the selling of NBSI could proceed. “I’d like to say to the people of Solomon Islands that I as Minister of Finance fully support the proposition for BSP to acquire the assets and business of NBSI. “But I want those trusts to be returned to the people of Solomon Islands,” he said. He said the Bank of Hawaii has given its will for those trusts to be invested for the welfare, health and education of the people of Solomon Islands. “And now is the time that those trustees will have to be retained to the people of this country. “That is the whole condition that I’m imposing on this particular issue. “If those trusts are for the benefit of this country, then they must be retained to the people of this country,” Lilo said. He said it had been five years already and the trustees haven’t done material things with the shares that should improve the health and education sectors in the country. “It’s been five years now and there’s nothing being done in terms of the improvement in health, there’s nothing been done terms of the contribution from this trust towards the improvement of the education. “I did not say that I did not approve the sale of NBSI. It can go ahead on the condition that the trust held by these trustees must be returned to an indigenous corporate trustee in this country. “That’s my position. “That is the condition,” he explained. The Minister has already given a Memorandum of Agreement to the trustees so that the matter can be eventually settled with full commitment between him and the trustees. “I will sign the salel provided that they will agree to the Memorandum of Agreement that I have given to them. “I’ve required them to enter into an MOU with me to commit themselves to work towards helping the government,” he said. Mr Lilo said he has already notified BSP officials about the issue and assured them of the government’s commitment to see BSP takeover NBSI |
posted by administrator @ 7:28 PM |
SIBConline news 18:53 hrs 21/03/2007
The Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs, Fred Fakari'i has expressed concern about the increasing number of street children, especially in Honiara.Mr Fakari'i says street children are those who leave their homes to live on the streets.He says many of these street population are pushed out of their homes because they could not find love at home. He says their population is growing very fast, that soon they will have their own children and if they are not given a future, they will pass on that lifestyle to their children.
Mr Fakari'i says sex abuse amongst children as young as 12 years is also on the increase, according to a recent report.He says some of them resort to sex in order to meet school fees and their fare on the bus to and from school.Mr Fakari'i highlighted these problems at the opening of a training workshop this morning for parents at Gilbert Camp in east Honiara.
The Home Affairs Permanent Secretary however says government is concerned about these social issues and wants to address them with parents and communities."The government is serious to meet the requirements of International conventions we signed but yet to implement. But before we do that, we want you to know. We want you to contribute, share you ideas with us so we can see our way through on how to meet requirements of international conventions. This is in line with the bottom up approach which government wants to take."Meanwhile, Save the Children's Fund Australia says negligence of children by parents and guardians has been the main concern in Solomon Islands.
Director of Save the Children Fund in Solomon Islands, Ramesh Puri said this at the opening of a workshop to educate parents about the rights of children.Twenty parents and guardians from Gilbert Camp, a suburb of Honiara are taking part in a two-day workshop organised by Save the Children Fund of Australia.Mr Puri says a recent survey carried out by Save the Children Fund found negligence of children by parents in the country is growing at an increasingly alarming rate especially in urban settings.
He says children left on their own especially in the streets of Honiara to scavenge for survival is increasingly becoming a serious concern.Mr Puri says the survey found that many of the children had resorted to prostitution, sexual abuse, drugs and alcohol and crimes such as break-ins and stealing.He says Solomon Islanders have a duty to stop this dangerous trend.He says it is not too late to start now and redirect this course to one which provides a better future for the young people. |
posted by administrator @ 8:16 AM |
SIBConline news 18:56 hrs 21/03/2007
Police Detectives have arrested and charged East Honiara Member of Parliament Charles Dausabea this morning.
Dausabea attended the National Investigations office at Rove Police Headquarters, accompanied by his lawyer.Mr. Dausabea was charged with three offences; two counts of False Pretence and one count on Conversion.
The East Honiara MP appeared briefly at the Honiara Magistrates Court before Magistrate Frank Kalea.
The Magistrates Court has granted bail with conditions, among others, not to interfere with the prosecution witnesses either directly or indirectly.The case was adjourned to April 18th. |
posted by administrator @ 8:13 AM |
Wednesday, March 21, 2007 |
SIBConline news 12:23 hrs 21/03/2007 A member of the Anglican Church has questioned the decision that the Church's Council of Bishops had taken on the Bishop for Hanuato'o diocese on Makira-Ulawa province, Bishop Johnny Kuper.Earlier this week the Archbishop of the Church of Melanesia Reverend Sir Ellisson Pogo announced the resignation of Bishop Kuper over allegations that he used Church money in an international financial scam. Reverend Sir Ellisson said Bishop Kuper would be appointed to a different position in the Church in due course.But Japhet Limopu, a former employee of the Church of Melanesia head office in Honiara says by taking such decision on Bishop Kuper, the Church is not fair to former Bishops and lay workers it had sacked for similar reasons. Speaking to SIBC News, Mr Limopu says the church in the past sacked Bishops and lay workers for allegations of misappropriation.He says now the Church is telling Anglicans that Bishop Kuper should only resign and given a different position in the Church for almost the same reasons it had sacked others. Mr Limopu says this is not fair, and calls on other Anglicans to come out and question decisions by the Church which they feel are not right. |
posted by administrator @ 7:35 PM |
Department of Prime Ministers Office and Cabinet By Brian Wanga (in Auki)
The Malaita Provincial Government is currently working on a financial strategy in collaboration with the Debt Management Unit of the Ministry of Finance to settle debts incurred by the province since 2005. The Malaita Provincial Treasurer Anna Saeni said yesterday the intervention by the Sogavare-led Grand Coalition for Change Government (GCC) has helped the province to pay its debts to the National Provident Fund (NPF). The Province had borrowed heavily from NPF to fund the operations of its now defunct Malaita Shipping Company over the years. "Malaita Province was financially burdened due to large loans borrowed from NPF to operate its shipping fleet. "But the action taken by the Grand Coalition for Change government to repay the debts has allowed Malaita Province to breathe compared to past experiences when the debt was heavily carried on our shoulders," Ms Saeni said. The Provincial government is also working on its 2007/2008 budget which is expected to be finalized at the end of this month. "We can now prioritize payments with our creditors and keep the province financially viable" she added. Both Malaita and Western Provinces have had their debts cleared by the Grand Coalition of Change Government through payments to Solomon Islands National Provident Fund. |
posted by administrator @ 8:56 AM |
FijiLive News Tuesday March 20, 2007
The salaries of senior staff at the University of the South Pacific has come under the spotlight after leaked documents showed that one executive allegedly received $470, 000 tax free. The confidential documents which purport to be payslips of eight senior staff were sent to e-mails of staff at the regional institution. The documents showed that the salary package of seven staff members ranged from $234, 537.55 to $339,937.46.
Each of them allegedly received $4000/month in housing allowance. Fiji Television reports that an official response from the university labelled the information untrue.
Fiji's Interim Finance Minister Mahendra Chaudhry appeared shocked by the revelation. He said that the Fiji Government will have to re-look at its funding of the institution by over $3million this year. He said the Government will conduct an operations efficiency audit.
Deputy army commander Esala Teleni, who heads Fiji's anti-corruption unit, says they are investigating a complaint of abuse of office and mismanagement by an executive of USP |
posted by administrator @ 8:49 AM |
SIBCOnline News 19:24 hrs 20/03/2007
Ten specialist medical doctors from the Caribbean nation of Cuba are to start filling up line positions at the National Referral Hospital by May this year.The Minister for Health and Medical Services, Clay Forau and his Foreign Affairs counterpart Patteson Oti announced in a joint press conference today.The government initially requested 40 medical doctors, but only 10 are immediately available to take up the posts.
More Cuban doctors will fill in as they become available.Foreign Minister Oti said the arrangement to bring in health personnel from Cuba stemmed from a Cooperation Framework Agreement he had just signed with his Cuban counterpart.He said Cuba also offered to provide 50 scholarships for Solomon Islanders to undertake medical training in Cuba.Mr Oti said he was meeting with the Education Minister Dr Derick Sikua this afternoon to sort out details of the training program.
He said Solomon Islands hopes to send its first medical students to Cuba by September this year.Mr Oti said this undertaking has been on the drawing board since year 2000, and is not a sudden undertaking by both countries.The Health Minister Mr Forau said it takes a sick person to appreciate what government is doing.He said government's concern is meeting the need of the most important stakeholder which is the sick patient.
Mr Forau said the arrangement will also provide the opportunity for local doctors to work alongside their Cuban colleagues.He said Public Service recruitment rules and processes will be applied in the selection of the Cuban doctors.Meanwhile, Health and Medical Services Minister Mr Forau says getting medical doctors from Cuba is much cheaper than recruiting from the international open market.He says to get a doctor from the open market would cost about 400-thousand dollars a year.Mr Forau says the total package of local doctors stands at 170-thousand dollars, whilst doctors from Cuba will be getting 180-thousand dollars in the first year they arrive.He says the amount will be reduced in their second or third years.
The minister says the their annual packages for the first year is higher because it includes their airfares which the Solomon Islands government is meeting.Mr Forau say government is only paying the Cuban doctors an allowance of 300-US dollars a month, whilst the Cuban government meets the rest.The minister says the Cuban doctors are here to help local doctors and not take away their privileges.
" We want to encourage our local doctors that these people are here to help them. Some will be here to help them carry the load they have been carrying. If I were a doctor I will see it as a good thing. They will be here to help the local doctors, not to take away their privileges. We will have a mechanism in place to ensure the doctors comply with the arrangements they sign."Foreign Minister Oti says the Cuban doctors will also be accorded the same conditions which government has applied to similar recruitment arrangements. |
posted by administrator @ 8:48 AM |
SIBConline news 19:18 hrs 20/03/2007
Resource owners of East Malaita have been reminded to stop selling what they say are "gem stones" to those without licences from the Malaita Provincial Government.Senior Administration Officer at Atori in East Malaita, Gregory Angisia, issued the reminder because this practice had been going on for sometimes in the province.
Mr Angisia says buyers who don't have licence under the Malaita Business Licence Ordinance Act to buy gem stones would be committing a crime under the Ordinance.
He says the ordinance is to safeguard resources of landowners and that proper procedures are followed in such dealings."I want to assure land resource owners of East Malaita, especially East Kwara'ae and East Fataleka that from now selling of gem stones to any local buyer who does not have a licence from the provincial authority, it's an offence under law for people to continues such practices.
I also like to appeal to local buyers too, that if this is done illegally, then this practice must stop." Meanwhile, Mr Angisia says they making arrangements with an overseas group to go to East Malaita to test and verify if those stones are gems. |
posted by administrator @ 8:45 AM |
FijiTimes ZANZEER SINGHWednesday, March 21, 2007
SUPER sub Tuimasi Manuca scored the second half winner against AS Temanava to guide Ba into the final of the O League competition next month. Ba defeated the champion Tahitian club 1-0 at Churchill Park in Lautoka to edge closer to the $1.6 million prize purse. Manuca was the star for the Ba side as he came on as a replacement for injured striker Osea Vakatalesau and scored in the 72 minute. Ba coach Yogendra Dutt was elated with the win saying his boys prevailed under pressure. Dutt said there were early concerns when Vakatalesau had to leave the field on 35 minutes. "However, the boys hung in there," Dutt said. "This was by no means an easy match. We struggled in defence. This is due to injuries. Our sweeper Malakai Kainihewe had a heavily strapped knee. "Striker Kiniviliame Naika was ruled out prior to the encounter. "An during the match Osea was injured. Despite all the setback I praise the boys for a grand effort. "They played gallantly and deserved this victory." Playing in front of over 5000 fans Ba stamped its authority displaying superior attacking football. Vakatalesau and Shalen Lal were a thorn for the AS Temanava defence as they penetrated even on half chances which came their way. Vakatalesau broke through the Tahitian defence in the second minute but his cross failed to find any Ba player in the box to finish off. Avinesh Swamy missed a sitter in the eighth minute when his attempt was blocked by AS Temanava goalkeeper Rudolphe Toromona. The goal post saved Ba in the 13th minute after AS Temanava striker Jean Michel Rigoulot hit the upright from a quickly taken free kick. Lal failed to get his attempt past the opposition goalkeeper three minutes later following brilliant count moves. AS Temanava survived a foray of attacks with a goal line scramble saving the visitors in the 40 minute. Ba kept up the momentum in the new spell with Keni Doidoi skying the ball over the crossbar from close range. Ba's defence was shaken in the 16th minute when Rene Saloa found himself free inside the box but his right footer curled wide of the cross bar. Manuca broke the deadlock when he ran onto a pass from Bukalidi and slammed the ball to the left of Toromona. AS Temanava nearly equalised moments later when Ba was guilty of another defensive blunder. Patua Tetuanui dribbled past Tuba but his short from an acute angle went across the goalmouth. The winner of the O League will qualify for the FIFA World Club Championship in Japan this December. Ba will face the winner of the final Group a fixture between Waitakere and Auckland City later this week. Auckland is the defending champion. AS Temanava will host Marist FC in the final match this weekend. The result of this encounter will have no bearing in Group B as Ba finished unbeaten with three wins and a draw. Ba: Laisenia Tuba, Avinesh Swamy, Shalen Lal, Jone Vesikula, Josaia Bukalidi, Keni Doidoi, Peni Finau, Luke Vidovi, Osea Vakatalesau, Malakai Tiwa, Malakai Kainihewe. AS Temanava: Roberto Poiroi, Maheanuu Apapari, Wellver Neti Clark, Jean Francois, Kabeu, Pierre Kugogne, Jean Michel Rigoulot, Rudolphe Toromona, Ionatana Aldo, Vahine, Rene Saloa, Patua Tetuanui. |
posted by administrator @ 8:43 AM |
Tuesday, March 20, 2007 |
SPORTS: Spectator attacks Lampard after FA Cup tie |
Guardian Unlimited By Ken Ferris
LONDON, March 19 (Reuters) - An angry fan raced on to the pitch and threw a punch at Chelsea midfielder Frank Lampard after his side beat Tottenham Hotspur 2-1 in an FA Cup quarter-final replay on Monday.
Lampard, who was celebrating with team mates, ducked to miss the punch and the spectator was manhandled to the ground before being led away by security men.
"...maybe the security people slept a little bit. They could never believe the guy could come on to the pitch and chase my players. But it was no problem," Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho told reporters. "They (security staff) have to be alert in future. Frank Lampard is ok. He's happy with the victory. Everything else is secondary.
A Tottenham spokesman said "two people entered the field of play and have subsequently been arrested".
One was a Chelsea supporter while the other was a Spurs fan who reacted after Mourinho's players ran towards their own supporters at the Park Lane end of the ground to celebrate. "Frank said the man went crazy, coming from nowhere," Mourinho earlier told Sky Sports. "Three, four or five people had to catch him before the security men came.
Spurs manager Martin Jol added: "That's not something you like to see but what can I do about it? We don't want that. You have to take your disappointments on the chin." |
posted by administrator @ 12:58 PM |
The National Online 20/03/07
AUSTRALIAN Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said yesterday the Australia-PNG Ministerial Forum would be cancelled this year if action was not taken to prosecute those involved in the illegal flight of Julian Moti to Honiara.
In a keynote speech at the 23rd Australia-PNG Business Forum in Cairns yesterday, Mr Downer said that once the report of the PNG Defence Board of Inquiry was published, Australia "expected some people to be brought to justice".
The final report on the inquiry was handed over to the Prime Minister's office last Friday, but lawyers representing the Prime Minister are going to court to annul the entire inquiry, which would result in the report becoming meaningless if they succeed.This would result in the Downer threat being carried out, and sources said other sanctions may follow.
PNG Foreign Minister Paul Tiensten reportedly expressed little hope yesterday that the ministerial forum would take place, while Deputy Prime Minister Don Polye told reporters in Port Moresby yesterday that the Government would be careful about making the report public or implementing its recommendations because the inquiry headed by Justice Gibbs Salika had stepped out of line and its credibility questioned.
"We do not want to see wrong people destroyed," he said, adding the Prime Minister and the Government played no part on the escape of Julian Moti on Oct 10, 2006 using a PNGDF plane.
Mr Polye even surprised reporters by insisting that no Civil Aviation laws were broken in that flight because the Defence Force did not need CAA permission or laws to carry out that flight, almost sanctioning the flight as lawful.
In a live interview with FM100's John Rei in Cairns, Mr Downer said it was most unlikely that the Defence inquiry report would be able to pinpoint those involved in the illegal flight of Moti from Port Moresby to Honiara. He said the inquiry had undertaken a good and objective process. "We didn’t conduct the inquiry. It is up to them to produce their report. We are not setting ourselves up as judge and jury," he said.
"If it recommends action against certain people we would expect action to be taken against them."Mr Downer also disclosed that Moti had evaded police in India, where an attempt was first made to arrest him, and Australian authorities had decided to pick him up during a stopover in Port Moresby.
The Australian Foreign Minister said he had been upset that someone wanted on child sex charges could be whisked out of Papua New Guinea on a defence aircraft.The arrest of Moti would have been "the right thing to do among friends", he said, adding that Moti’s flight out of PNG "was a very unfriendly thing to do to Australia.
"I was very hurt and the feelings of the Australian people were hurt. We will put this affair behind us once the report is published and action taken." In his speech to 270 conference attendees, Mr Downer said PNG will always have a special place in Australian foreign policy.
"There will be good and bad moments but in the end it will be an important and special relationship," he said, referring to the role Australia and New Zealand had played in bringing peace to Bougainville. Mr Downer said PNG had an important role to play in the Pacific and had a commonality of views on the recent military coup in Fiji and with PNG’s important role in the Regional Assistance Mission on the Solomon Islands.
"PNG will double the number of police there (RAMSI)," he said. Mr Downer said he was impressed with PNG’s recent economic performance although he was disappointed at the recent cancellation of the PNG Gas Project.
In recent years the quality of economic management in PNG has been "laudable and impressive" and Australia was pleased to have made a contribution through the Enhanced Cooperation Programme. He said the 42 Australians working under the ECP had been helping to "turbo-charge" PNG's administrative capability by contributing to the budget process, efficiency of tax system and in improving customs and other Government services."We had a grander plan which the PNG Supreme Court shot down and we have to respect that but we hope to continue to build on what has been achieved."Mr Downer said PNG had done really well in recent years with growth this year likely to total around 5% with low inflation and growth in employment, a turnaround from the negative economic performance prior to 2002. |
posted by administrator @ 12:51 PM |
High commissioner meets Solomons PM |
Sydney Morning Herald news March 19, 2007 - 7:04PM
Australia's new high commissioner to the Solomon Islands has finally met with Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare after being kept waiting for weeks due to a diplomatic dispute with Canberra. Peter Hooton presented his letter of introduction to Sogavare on Monday afternoon and was introduced to the Solomons Cabinet. Sogavare told reporters after the meeting that it was an important milestone on the way to resuming dialogue and getting the relationship between Honiara and Canberra back on track. "It is therefore important that we mend this relationship. What happened today is a giant step forward," he said. Australia and the Solomons were close neighbours with much in common as Australia was much involved in the development of Pacific countries, Sogavare said. Hooton also said the meeting was a good one. "The dynamics were positive. The PM went through the issues, as he sees them, and I listened very carefully to that," he said. "It's good that I can do the rest of the job now. "I think we still have a lot of work to do, but this is a good step in the right direction." Sogavare last week said he would meet Hooton in a bid to repair relations, despite Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer's refusal to apologise for an open letter he wrote to Solomon Islanders. Sogavare was incensed by the letter, published in local newspapers last month, accusing him of trying to tarnish the reputation of the Australian-led Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI). Since his election as prime minister in May last year, Sogavare has made it clear he wants less RAMSI influence in his government and less Australian influence in RAMSI. In his letter, Downer called on Solomon Islanders to support RAMSI and oppose Sogavare's plans to rearm police, a plan the prime minister has since dropped following widespread public opposition. Last year, Sogavare ejected former Australian High Commissioner Patrick Cole, accusing him of interfering in Solomons political affairs and trying to undermine a planned commission of inquiry into last year's April riots in Honiara. RAMSI arrived in 2003 to restore law and order and good governance following years of ethnic unrest. |
posted by administrator @ 8:36 AM |
SIBConline news 18:39 hrs 19/03/2007
The Inland Revenue Audit has revealed that taxpayers still owe the government more than 11 million dollars for the year 2006.Acting Commissioner of the Inland Revenue Division of the Ministry of Finance, Ronnie Piva says the audit for last year assessed additional income of 11-point-two-five million dollars.Mr Piva says the audits covered a broad spectrum of taxpayers, including financial institutions, shipping agents, high wealth individuals, retailers, wholesalers and a local exporter. "These are some of the income that had never been properly declared. We have found out that they have never submit the returns too, or may be the income of the return submitted were under-declared. Those are the areas my Minister of Finance mentioned in our 2007 audit strategy. Those are the areas that will be covered, we know most of the businesses are the high wealth, the high profile taxpayers, those businesses and individuals operating outside the tax system."Mr Piva says while the results from a financial return point of view are pleasing, it's disappointing to see that most of the businesses we audited, did not fully comply with their legal obligations. He says in the case of one business the Division audited last year the auditors identified over two-point-five million dollars in taxes that were not paid. Mr Piva therefore calls on Solomon Islands taxpayers to fully comply with their legal tax obligations and ensure they file correct tax returns and pay all taxes due. |
posted by administrator @ 8:35 AM |
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