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.........................................WELCOME......................................... The Central Malaita Students Association (CMSA) is a multi-dialect and cultural Student Group Consisting of students from Kwara’ae, Langalanga, Kwai and Ngongosila, Malaita Outer Islands, Kwaio and Fataleka. Our vision and objective is to protect the norms and cultural values of our members while at the same time we enhance our academic knowledge and skills towards the promotion of development and the improvement of living standards in our respective regions. .............................................DISCLAIMER............................... The site welcomes any contribution by way of information, comments, news articles, photos etc from its members and interested members of the public to ensure we are well informed of all the developments in our villages, constituencies, regions, islands, country, region and the world at large as well. However, any transmission of information, news and comments is intended only for the use of the members of the Association. Any use or dissemination of information provided in this site in other websites or medium of information is not the responsibility of the Association, and the Association cannot be held liable for it. The contents of this webpage, unless expressly stated, do not comprise the views of the Association or any representation by the Association, but are views of its individual members. .
m_political wards
  • Central Malaita Student Association(CMSA) would include Malaita Outter Islands student as of next year.That means if you are from Malaita Outter Islands, you are part of CMSA.
  • This site is currently undergoing some major changes.
"Youth is a blunder; Manhood is a struggle; Old age is a regret - (BENJAMIN DISRAELI (1804 - 1881)"

Vakavuku, SISA custom dancers administrator

Central Malaita Dancing Group at the Tsunami Appeal at Laucala Campus administrator


AUKI WHARF administrator


REACHING OUT....A young boy from Kilusakwalo reading through a pamphlet about RAMSI’s work in Solomon Islands which was distributed during a meeting by a RAMSI Outreach Team to the village yesterday. PICTURE: MOFFAT MAMU administrator

Fiji Military

A Malaita Ramo - JanesOceania.com

Fiji Military

A house found it self submerged as a result of the Tsunami - Lifhaus.com">

Jacinta Moli from Central Malaita representing Solomon Islands in Powerlifting during the Commonwealth Games administrator


Tennis Queen Irine George from Central Malaita" ">
Friday, June 29, 2007
SIBConline News
19:10 hrs

Opposition spokesman for Finance and M-P for East AreAre Edward Huniehu says the Sogavare Government's governance is why Solomon Islands will not at present access the Millennium Challenge Fund.

The Fund is specifically for developing countries who meet the Fund's basic criteria of demonstrating strong commitment towards good governance, health and education of their people, and sound economic policies that foster enterprise and entrepreneurship.

Mr Huniehu was speaking in support of an announcement made by visiting US Ambassador to Papua New Guinea, Leslie Rowe last week.Ambassador Rowe had said that Solomon Islands is not eligible to receive the fund because it does not meet the basic criteria of the Fund.

Mr Huni'ehu says the Ambassador's statement on Solomon Islands' eligibility is a slap in the face of the government and the people of Solomon Islands."The only way we can tap these resources is for the government to complies with their requirements.

They must be accountable, they must improve their democratic governance commitments and they must stop interfering with judicial processes in this country. They must be responsible and respectable, they must be seen as good managers of donor partners' resources and they must show good track record of even managing local resources."
posted by administrator @ 9:08 AM   1 comments
SIBConline News
19:06 hrs

A Makira-Ulawa Provincial leader says the Small Loans Guarantee scheme launched recently does not address aspirations of potential entrepreneurs in rural areas.

Provincial member for Ward 16 in the Makira Ulawa provincial Government Sudani Walemae says the security portion required by commercial banks makes it difficult for people in rural areas to fully realise their business aspirations.He says people in rural areas don't have properties which the banks can term as assets to be used as securities in their loan applications.

Mr Walemae says the government should do more to make sure locally owned properties such as coconut, cocoa and even customary lands be used as securities.He says the guarantee scheme is geared to existing urban based small and medium size enterprises which have securities such as bank accounts, buildings, registered lands and other assets.

Mr Walemae says these are the assets missing in rural areas.He urges the government to come up with a scheme where rural based properties can be used as securities.Mr Walemae says the government should take the risk in these undertakings to broaden the economic base of the country where the rural population is engaged in commercial activities.
posted by administrator @ 9:06 AM   0 comments
SIBConline News
18:59 hrs

The Malaita Entrepreneurs Association, MEA, is concerned that it has been excluded from the National Trade Show this year.

Speaking from Auki this morning, George Lui, a member of the Association says his association has done a lot of small business training around Malaita and struggled over the years.Mr Lui says the Association has locally grown agricultural products which it hopes to display during the national event in Auki next week.

He says it's sad that MEA members who were trained by government officers are left out from participating in the show this year.Mr Lui says the Governments bottom up approach would be meaningful if the National Government invite local inputs when it decided to hold this year's Trade Show at Auki.

He says the National and Provincial Governments must recognise MEA's contribution in rural development in future trade shows.

Meanwhile, the MEA representative says the Association recognises and appreciates the work done by Small Medium Enterprise Council in spearheading the Trade Show in Auki this year.
posted by administrator @ 9:05 AM   1 comments
Thursday, June 28, 2007
28 July 2007

THE trial for the new GSM mobile breeze service in Auki by Our Telekom has started this week.Sales and Marketing Operation Managers Christina Lasaqa said the trial would be for a month to enable engineers complete the task on the new project.

Our Telekom engineers completed the work in Auki and the test run will also coincide with the promotion day today where mobiles will be on sale at cheaper prizes in Auki.The sale of mobiles will allow the public to have a test of the new service.

The GSM mobile breeze service in Auki will be officially launched in Auki involving a delegation from Telekom, its partners and the provincial executive of the Malaita government.Reports reaching Solomon Star said at the moment requests for mobile is high with many of the customers in Auki already placing their orders to buy a handset and SIM card.

Once the service is up and running areas situated between 30-35 kilometres from the base station will be able to receive signal.Ms Lasaqa said the promotion of the new service is timely because it would coincide with the National Trade and Cultural Show in Auki.

Auki is the second centre to have benefited from the million dollar project as part of Our Telekom’s rollout project to the rural centres.Gizo was the first to have benefited from the GMS mobile service launched in late March.

After Auki, similar projects will be undertaken in Noro, Munda and other parts of the country.Telekom’s future plan is to allow the most remote parts of the country have access to the mobile service.
posted by administrator @ 5:06 PM   0 comments
Solomonstar News
28 June 2007

LACK of proper briefing and cooperation by the police resulted in the April riot.

Solomon Islands Police Force (SIPF) sergeant Leonard Kwai made this statement when testifying during the April riot Commission of Inquiry yesterday.

Mr Kwai said there was no proper briefing between the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands’ Participating Police Force(PPF)and SIPF.He said planned joint operations were never implace during the week before the prime minister’s election.

“Simple procedures were overlooked or neglected,” Mr Kwai said.

He said if procedures and joint operations were planned and police were prepared the situation at the National Parlaiment would be contained.“PPF and RAMSI really mishandled and undermined the situation at the time by taking the lead in everything, without allowing the SIPF to try and handle its own people,” Mr Kwai said.

He said the actions of the PPF towards the crowd only intensified the situation.“People were already frustrated when they heard the Prime Minister’s election result. But the way PPF handled the situation caused people’s frustration to grow even more.”Mr Kwai was off duty at the time of the riot and was among the crowd at the National Parliament that day.

“From what I saw, PPF and RAMSI were the forefront of operations and did not involve the local police.“If the local police handled the situation it would possibly resulted in a much orderly way - changing the outcome of the day.”

He said it was only when violence started that SIPF became involve but by then it was already too late.“The local police were left out in most of the operations until the situation worsen,” Mr Kwai said.

He said had the officers worked under a certain command what happened on April 18 would not eventuate.“We would have prevented it at every course,” Mr Kwai said.The riot inquiry is set up to identify the causes of the riot, why it happened, who was involved, what events took place during the riot and ways to prevent it happening in future.The hearing continues.
posted by administrator @ 5:01 PM   1 comments
Solomontimes Online News
28 June 2007

A six year old girl is still missing in what is presumed to be a crocodile attack last week.

The attack happened at Kakaza village on the southern part of Choisuel on Monday and villagers are still searching for her body along the river where she was swimming at the time of her disappearance.

One villager stated that rivers around Choiseul are infested with crocodiles and has supported calls to the government for the lifting on the ban imposed on crocodile hunting as an alternative to decreasing the high number of crocodiles.

Meanwhile a large crocodile was spotted along the waters near the children's park area in west of Honiara over the weekend, the sighting prompted police to warn the public of wandering into the area in which the crocodile was seen.
posted by administrator @ 4:53 PM   1 comments
Solomontimes Online News
28 June 2007

Chairman of the steering committee, to look into the Land and lost property in Guadalcanal and dealings around Honiara, Sam Alasia yesterday officially announced its Terms of Reference.

Mr Alasia told journalist in a press conference that the work of the steering committee should end in two months time, which should also see the appointment of the enquiry committee. The steering committee had over the last few months held discussions with both the provincial executives.

The secretary of the steering committee, Christopher Waiwori, said the positive response by both provincial executive had given indication to the steering committee the urge to work towards establishing the enquiry commission proper.

Land dealings in Guadalcanal were identified to be a contributing factor in the social unrest that rocked the nation in the recent past.

The Sogavare government said it places high priority on the establishment of the land enquiry and do not want any stones unturned in their effort to find lasting peace.

posted by administrator @ 11:02 AM   1 comments
Solomontimes Online News
28 June 2007

The men's and women's national basketball teams' tour to NSW, Australia ended with positive results.

The men's and women's national basketball team played six games each against the NSW senior state league teams. Waige Turueke (pictured on the right with team mate Mose)contributed a significant record averaging 33 points per game which resulted in the men's team winning five games and conceding one loss. The women's team lost two games and won four games.

"Waige Turueke averaged 33 points per game and was the top player throughout the games. On court he's an effective player. He rebounds, defends and shoots crucial baskets for the team", says national coach Ryan Burns.Coach Burns stated that Waige Turueke stood tall by shooting five 3 pointers in a row to beat the NSW state league champions Grafton in the 3rd quarter and eventually winning the game 64-56 at fulltime.

Coach Burns said Anthony Prince played a strong game along with Davidson Toliliu who was also consistent through the games. Allen was injured in the 3rd game which gave the opportunity for the young players to fill in.

"Moses Au filled in for Allen and had a good test of big matches" said coach Burns.Burns reminded the players that the tour is only part of their preparations for the SPG in Apia, Samoa.

"The work is not finished we are still preparing and the tour was good to show the weaknesses in the team", says Burns.In the women's team Natala Pongi was consistent and played very well as she had showed throughout the league in Honiara. Jesse Konofilia was also impressive displaying her experience which was much needed in the women's camp.
posted by administrator @ 10:30 AM   1 comments
Govt Media Services
By Chris Leua

The National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) has dispatched an assessment team to the flood-affected areas in North East Guadalcanal, in what is believed to be one of the worst floods in the area since Cyclone Namu in 1986.

The team includes technical officers from the Health and Agriculture Departments, Red Cross and officers from NDMO.

Torrential rain during the weekend has severely affected food gardens and fruit trees on the areas where more than 80 villages have been affected by the weekend floods, when floods rose 8-10 meters to overwhelm most of the river bank villages Sunday afternoon.

Most of the affected communities are situated along the two main rivers of Mbokokimbo and Monga rivers.

In both areas, more than 3000 people are forced to move to higher grounds when the flood ran over river banks and into villages. Floods have also destroyed pig pens and poultry houses. No casualties have yet been reported.

A local elder of Tupa village near the Mbokokimbo River, Mr Warren George, has yesterday, called on responsible authorities to immediately send assessments teams to the areas so that some form of relief assistance can be given to the affected communities.

Mr George said most of the villages on the Mbokokimbo delta have virtually all their food gardens ravaged by the flood.

“More than 95 percent of our food gardens are totally destroyed. What makes the situation all more difficult is the fact that even fruit trees like bananas that usually support us in these situations are also being destroyed.”

“The flood has also washed away the coconuts seeds from our plantations. It is only fortunate that the rain finally stopped and the flood receded,” said Mr George.
Mr George has also called on the Parliament Members and Provincial Members from the areas to visit and assist in providing relief assistance to the areas.

“The people are suffering and they need immediate assistance from somebody, especially our politicians,” he said.

The Solomon Islands Meteorogical Service said the heavy rains were the result of a trough caused by the meeting of moderate southeasterly trade winds from the different islands, and the weather has also affected other islands in the country, notably Makira and Temotu provinces.

Climate Section Officer of the Meteorological Service, Mr Lloyd Tahani said rainfall at the Henderson Station for the past week rose 175% to 165 mm, compared to 24 mm for the same week last year.

He said the climate condition experienced during the period from Friday 22nd to Wednesday 27th June 2007 was an ‘unusual condition’ from the normal climate condition during the month of June.

A representative from the Disaster Office said relief assistance would be given to the flood victims when the assessment team produces a report on their findings.
posted by administrator @ 9:19 AM   0 comments
SIBConline News
19:06 hrs

The Ministry of Health and Medical Services will soon introduce a new and more effective Malaria drug.

Director Vector Borne Disease Control Program, Albino Bobogare says the new Malaria drug known as COARTEM is a combination of two drugs.

He says the change in Malaria treatment policy, is necessary as the Ministry plans to reduce Malaria to its lowest, within the next six years.

Mr Bobogare says the new drug which originated from China has been tested and proven to be effective in Africa and Asia, where malaria had became a killer disease.

He thanks the World Health Organisation's Global Fund assistance for purchasing the expensive drug for Solomon Islands. Mr Bobogare says that as soon as the bulk of the medicine come into the country, health workers will educate people about the of the new drug.
posted by administrator @ 9:04 AM   1 comments
SIBConline News
19:22 hrs

Auki is ready to host the 2007 National Trade and Cultural Show.

Chairman of the main organising committee, Michael Maena has confirmed this to SIBC News.
Mr Maena says the main structure inside the main show village including stalls and corporate buildings for business houses, are will be ready by this week, for next week's events.

He says power, water and other necessities have reached the main village.

"My committee is happy to announce that the show ground is now ready. We have about 40 food stalls which have already erected on site. Buildings that were erected to house business houses which are coming from Honiara are ready."

Mr Maena says that his committee had designed the venue in such a way where people can move in and out freely, to avoid overcrowding the main village.

He says the main show ground can accommodate up to five-thousand people at any one time.

Meanwhile, Mr Maena says the Cultural Show will be hosted separately at the Auki Primary School ground, while the Agriculture and Livestock Show will be at another location.

He says this year's National Trade Show will be officially opened this Saturday, 30 June, by the Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister, Patteson Oti. The show will close on July the 8th.
posted by administrator @ 8:56 AM   0 comments
SIBConline News
19:17 hrs

Urban drift and unemployment are potential time bombs for the Honiara City Council says Lord Mayor Alfred Maetia.

Speaking during the opening of the City Council's full council meeting on Monday, the Lord Mayor told executive members of the Council that the purpose and future of Honiara as the capital city depends on how the City Council addresses the two issues.

Mr Maetia said although the two social issues in Honiara has not been formally researched, they are problems for both the Council and the residents of Honiara to address.He said the reality in Honiara is that many unemployed live with relatives who are employed, creating additional pressure on those employed and also contributing additional liability for the services provided by the Honiara City Council.

The Lord Mayor said Honiara is harbouring too many people and the population is more than what the Council can afford to deliver or provide services for.He said Honiara is a cash economy and not everyone in the city has opportunities or are qualified to be employed or start a business.
posted by administrator @ 8:44 AM   0 comments
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Solomonstar News
27 June 2007

A HONIARA City councillor, Lawrence Makili, says the April riots happened because of failure by RAMSI officers.

Mr Makili was testifying during the April riot Commission of Inquiry yesterday.He said the riot happened because of Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands’ (RAMSI) failure to contain it.

“If the local police handle the issue, nothing like that would have happened. It is the RAMSI personnel that should be blamed,” Mr Makili said.

Asked why?Mr Makili said because of the way they approach people.

A part from RAMSI, Mr Makili also blamed the government.“People want to see change, prosperity and development and they expect a change in government,” the councillor said.He said the government members’ use of the Rural Constituency Development Fund (RCDF) is a factor that really concerns people.

“Every Member of Parliament gets $1.8million every year. For the 50 Members of Parliament that means $90million every year.“For a full term in parliament, it is $360million going down the drain.”As a result, Mr Makili said no development happen in rural areas.

“Development in the rural areas did not happen, the money does not reach them, but we still put the $300 million down the drain after every four years,” Mr Makili said.

“Parliament is the place to make policies, it is not a bank. But the RCDF money is now used for lending.”He said MPs should not be lending money, they are policy makers.He said the RCDF should be abolished because it no longer served its purpose or its ideology.

“The money should have been spent on other things like medicines. Some children died every day because of no access to better medicines,” Mr Makili said.He said the Honiara City Council is going to have its next Assembly soon and he will move a motion to abolish the ward grant to councillors.The inquiry is to find the causes of the riot, what happen during the riots and to seek ways to stop this problem repeating in future.Mr Makili said when people have grievances they should go to court.

However, the councillor said the “sick judiciary” hindered this from happening.“How quick we are to arrest, prosecute and jail a young boy for stealing a biscuit in a shop because he is hungry.

“On the other hand, we have the upper class, who was accused of corruption, he waited and waited for his case, bail and sit there freely for months or a year.

“Our judicial system needs to pull up its socks, those are the issues that must be enhance by our leaders.”

He said people are waiting for what law will govern the country.“Our leaders’ actions will allow people to dwell on issues such as the riot if we do not address them,” the councillor said.The Commission of Inquiry continues.
posted by administrator @ 1:15 PM   0 comments
Solomonstar News
27 June 2007

A LEADING officer of the anti-corruption watchdog Transparency International Solomons says revived plans to rearm the Police contradict earlier assurances from the Prime Minister.

Executive officer Joses Tuhanuku warned against the controversial plan, after the new Police Commissioner, Jahir Khan, asked the Government for money to buy weapons.Mr Tuhanuku told Radio Australia that Transparency International was extremely disappointed with Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare.

This was because earlier on the floor of Parliament he said that the Government was not going ahead with the rearming due to public concerns, Mr Tuhanuku said.Mr Tuhanuku was quoted in a report carried by the Australian Associated Press (AAP) news agency as saying:

“Now the commissioner is saying he is following Government policy.” Mr Tuhanuku said this raises questions about the credibility of the Prime Minister said.

Mr Khan put in a supplementary budget request for $18 million to buy guns for Police patrol boats and bodyguards for the prime minister and governor-general.

Mr Sogavare had earlier this year dropped plans to rearm the local officers of his protection unit. This followed protests from civil society groups.The Police were disarmed after the Australian-led Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) arrived in mid-2003 to restore law and order.

Some of the then Police officers had become embroiled in the country’s ethnic tensions and sided with the Malaita Eagle Force militants.Mr Khan said the funds would buy around 40 self-loading pistols for the prime minister’s and governor-general’s bodyguards, as well as weapons for the patrol boats.

He said the boats needed to be armed as they protected the country’s borders and fishing grounds. That could involve dangerous confrontations that risked officers’ lives.But Mr Tuhanuku was quoted in the Australian reports as saying that during the ethnic crisis, Police arms were not used to protect the country’s borders or resources. Instead, he said, they were used to harass civilians and take away the rule of law.

Some Police officers became corrupted, joined in the 2000 coup, broke into the Police armoury and gave arms to criminals, he was quoted as saying.He told Radio Australia: “In our view, while RAMSI is here we should not rush into arming the police.“If Australia decided to withdraw RAMSI, this country would plunge itself back into the situation we were in from 2000 to 2003 and the rule of law would fly through the window.”

Solomon Islanders had no guarantee that rearming police was in the best interests of the country, he said.Mr Khan said it’s now safe and essential to re-arm some sections of the Police.He told Radio New Zealand International: “I have no intention of arming the criminals or the thugs. I am arming the law and order agency that is the police force.

“These are highly trained people, these are professional people, and I’m arming them.“I’m fully aware and I’m very much concerned about what happened in the past and I’m keeping all my eyes and ears open when I make decisions about arming the police.”
posted by administrator @ 12:59 PM   0 comments
Solomontimes Online News
27 June 2007

A local economist, speaking on the condition of anonymity, has warned the government that the recent reduction in import duties would have serious economic effects to the country.

"It is amazing to note that the import duties were reduced very early this year, it is unclear to me why the Government chose to do such a thing"The Government has already signed up to the Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement, commonly known as PICTA, and part of the condition in PICTA is a reduction in import duties by an agreed percentage.

"Currently the Solomon Islands has put its import duties at 10%, by way of comparison Fiji has its import duties at approximately 40%, if we were to reduce our rates to comply with PICTA we would be one of the biggest losers in the Pacific Region" said the local economist.

"We might as well import goods for free"The local economist went on to say that the government must re-look at its rates because not only is the Solomon Islands foregoing huge amounts of money, it is also setting itself up for huge disappointments when PICTA comes into effect.

"I think whoever was assigned to set up the import duty has a responsibility to explain to the public why he chose to peg the rate at 10%"It is a huge risk and I must reiterate that the Solomon Islands will loose out if PICTA was implemented tomorrow, but as it is we still have time to reverse the situation"
posted by administrator @ 10:32 AM   0 comments
SIBConline News
18:50 hrs

Government's Special Envoy to RAMSI Michael Maina (pictured on the right with former RAMSI Coordinator Nick Warner) has brushed aside suggestions that the government will make amendments to the Facilitation of International Assistance Act which allowed RAMSI into Solomon Islands in next month's Parliament meeting.

He however says any changes to the facilitation act will have to be widely discussed with the public, the government circles and 16-member countries contributing to RAMSI.Mr Maina says the Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare had told the Forum task force carrying out the review on RAMSI to focus attention on the six point initiative raised by Solomon islands at last year's forum and that the Facilitation Act be place before Parliament for a rollover to 2008.

He quotes the prime minister as saying that there could be changes in the Act at a later date but this will only be done after wide consultation with the government, the public and participating countries.Mr Maina says weak areas of the Act that needs strengthening will bet discussed between the two parties within the next few weeks and months.

"The current facilitation act will be placed to parliament and that it will rollover to 2008. There could be amendments later on but that is to be widely discussed with the public of Solomon Islands, with the 16-member countries that form this team in Solomon Islands. We do realise that there are weak points that need to be sorted out and these will be discussed by the government and RAMSI within the next few weeks and months".
posted by administrator @ 9:14 AM   1 comments
SIBConline News
18:50 hrs

The Taiwanese government has given one-point-six million dollars towards the preparation for various activities leading up to the 29th Independence Anniversary Celebrations in Auki, Malaita next month.

Taiwanese Ambassador to Honiara, George Chan, released the money during his meeting with Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare in Honiara today.Ambassador Chan told the Prime Minister that the fund is to support the Malaita Provincial Government to carry out the necessary preparations for the celebrations which will include agriculture, cultural and trade shows.

He says the money is also to implement the government's rural policy and bottom up approach to involve the majority of rural population, and to realize the government's wish to rotate the national event around the country.Mr Chan says the fund will go towards improving the current development phases of Auki Township.

This include improving the old market fencing and rubbish trailer, Auki internal roads and drainage, the town's public toilets, landscaping, and rubbish collection; wharf and street security lightings and Gwaunaru'u Airfield Terminal maintenance.Meanwhile, Ambassador Chan said Solomon Islands National Independence Day celebration is a solemn moment for the people to thank the forefathers for their sacrifices and contributions.

He said without those contributions the people will not be able to enjoy the full democratic life, prosperous economy and flourishing society today. Mr Chan said there have been remarkable achievements in Solomon Islands with strong economic growth since Prime Minister Sogavare took office in May 2006.

He said he had no doubts that the Solomon people will continue to work harder for the peace and prosperity. Ambassador Chan on behalf of the people and government of Taiwan extended his warm congratulations to Prime Minister Sogavare, the people and government of Solomon Islands on the happy occasion of the 29th Anniversary of Independence.

In respond, Mr Sogavare thanked Ambassador Chan and the Taiwanese Government for this prompt assistance to help the government hold the national independence celebrations.

Mr Sogavare said that the help has again justified Taiwan's firm determination to help its ally in times of nation needs for national celebration and rural development.
posted by administrator @ 9:11 AM   1 comments
SIBConline News
18:50 hrs

Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resources Nollen Leni has rejected claims by marine mammal activists that exporting live dolphins and keeping them in captivity is an act of cruelty.

Minister Leni also dismisses comments that by allowing Solomon Islands Marine Mammal Education Centre to export 28 live dolphins, it could have trade implications on the country's tuna exports.

Mr Leni challenged conservation activists who've spoken against government's lifting of the ban on dolphin exports.He questions why these activists have not spoken out against the millions of animals taken from the wild in Africa and placed in zoo's.Mr Leni says Australia and Japan are two of the countries that keep dolphins captive in large aquariums, but these activists wouldn't dare speak a word against them.

Minister Leni says it is sad that people talk about a small number of dolphins the country is exporting.He says the export of dolphins is in no way linked to the export of canned tuna from Solomon Islands.Minister Leni says the export of canned tuna relates to whether a country uses dolphin friendly methods of fishing.

"Solomon Islands employs one of the best methods that are friendly to dolphin by using is pole and line. You catch only tuna, you don't catch dolphins. Why don't they talk about the nets which catch a lot of dolphins and are not dolphin friendly.

We have some NGOs who have their labels on Soltai products on the dolphin free friendly label.

But you need to question why they have their names on that label. Because nothing is free, and we will research into whether these NGO's get some benefit out of those labels. These are issues Solomon Islanders need to know."
posted by administrator @ 9:08 AM   0 comments
SIBConline News
12:00 hrs

RAMSI's future role in the Solomon Islands and whether it remains in the country will be decided by the Government by the end of this month.

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogovare's government will announce details of proposed amendments towards the end of this month and are planning to introduce an Amendment Bill to change parts of the International Facilitation Act 2003 in the Parliament's next seating next month.

Mr Sogovare had announced the planned amendments during a consultative meeting last week with RAMSI and the Pacific Islands Forum Review Task Force.

The Task Force was established and mandated by the Pacific Forum leaders to undertake a review of RAMSI at their meeting in Nadi last October.
posted by administrator @ 9:02 AM   0 comments
SIBConline News
18:50 hrs

More than 25 extra police will be rostered on duty on Friday and Saturday nights in a bid to reduce anti-social behaviour in and around Honiara.

The Police will concentrate their operations in areas identified as having problems with anti-social behaviour and petty crime. Police say they will also be concentrating on traffic and bad driving habits as part of their Road Safety Campaign.

Police Commander Honiara Superintendent Nathan Ratu said that the extra police will conduct traffic stops and spot inspection of vehicles to ensure they are road worthy.He says those members of the public who feel they can disturb the peace of others through anti-social behaviour, drunkenness or disorderly behaviour should think again.

Superintendent Ratu says he has briefed his officers to take decisive action on anyone they find breaking the law.He says last weekend police responded to 52 calls for assistance. Mr Ratu says this is not acceptable and police are determined to reduce the amount of anti-social behaviour.

He says police are not trying to stop people from enjoying their weekend, but everyone has the right to live in a peaceful environment.

Mr Ratu also warns drivers that the police will be on the look out for unsafe driving and unroadworthy vehicles.
posted by administrator @ 8:55 AM   1 comments
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Solomontimes Online News
26 June 2007

A complaint lodged by an unknown source to the Police stated that certain people within the Judiciary are working against the lifting of the suspension order of Moti as Attorney General.

The Police were reportedly acting on a complaint lodged by an unknown source stating that certain people within the Judiciary are working against the lifting of the suspension order of Moti as Attorney General. An application for a search warrant was then given to the Police by the high court to search the Solicitor General's office. At 4.30 pm on Friday the 22nd of June, Police raided the office of Ranjit Hewagama and took away a computer, letters and files.

On the same evening, Ranjit Hewagama's lawyer lodged an injunction with the High Court to challenge the Police action. Ken Averre, Mr. Hewagama's lawyer, argued that the items confiscated were privileged documents and should never be taken. Furthermore, the documents were never mentioned in the search warrant.

Mr Avere requested to the courts that the items remain in the High Court premises and not with the Police. The court, after hearing Ranjit's application, then ordered the Police to return the computer, letters and the files to be stored in the High Court premises. The hearing was then adjourned for the next morning. The following morning on Saturday the 23rd of June, Ranjit turned up with his lawyer while the Police failed to bring their legal representative.

Since the court can not proceed without a lawyer for the Police, the hearing was then adjourned to Wednesday 27th June. A source close to the hearing stated that the Police are playing a delaying tactic. Calls made to the Director of Public Prosecution about the raid revealed that Mr.
Talasasa was not aware of the proceedings. Mr Talasasa stated that the proceedings were news to him and he would be sending an officer to the high court immediately.A reliable source stated that an unknown person raised a complaint with the Police stating that there are people within the judiciary conspiring to prevent Moti from assuming the role of AG.
The source said that to conspire would involve more than one person and the raid on Ranjit's office, a member of the Judiciary Legal Services Commission, is obviously targeting the Commission. The drama only revealed that the Sogavare-led government is determined, regardless of the civil societies protests that Moti will assume the role of Attorney General as soon as the suspended order is lifted.
It is understood that the Acting AG's term will lapse at the end of the month and the government has no intention of extending the Acting AG's term in office and is looking forward to the appointment of Moti as AG.
posted by administrator @ 12:16 PM   0 comments
SIBConline News
18:03 hrs

The Parliamentary Opposition has criticised Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare for saying he is a strong leader and not a dictator.

Member of Parliament for East Are'Are and Opposition Spokesman for Finance and Treasury Edward Huni'ehu (pictured on the right while on a trip to Australia) refutes the Prime Minister's comments, saying it did not match his track record in the past year.Mr Huni'ehu describes the Prime Minister as arrogant, and is not a genuinely strong leader.

He says the public should be the judge as to whether the Prime Minister is providing strong leadership and not for him to boast about himself.Mr Huni'ehu says he is convinced that Mr Sogavare's leadership is the worst the country has experienced since independence.

Asked if defeating two no confidence motions in Parliament and winning Opposition MPs to the government side is not a sign of strong leadership, Mr Huni'ehu says it depends on how one sees it."When you go down to the Prime Minister's Office, its a billionaire's club.

He used public money to lure members of the Opposition by giving them increased benefits to join the government. By improving benefits in the PER and other remunerations, had attracted members of the opposition to join him. Its like building hedges around himself by using public resources what he was doing over the last year.

I don't think this is responsible leadership when we preach the bottom up approach policy as a way of improving the standard of living in the rural areas. We say one thing and do the opposite."
posted by administrator @ 9:29 AM   1 comments
SIBConline News
18:09 hrs

Former Guadalcanal deputy premier Stephen Panga has spoken out against plans by the Police Commissioner Jahir Khan to rearm certain units of the Solomon Islands Police Force.

Mr Panga who used to chair a joint Guadalcanal Solomon Islands Government Truth and Reconciliation Taskforce says the people of Guadalcanal oppose such plans because they are yet to reconcile with the people of Malaita and other provinces.He says the people of Guadalcanal feel it is too early to even think about re-arming the Police Force as real peace is yet to be achieved.

Mr Panga says it was the Police who used its Patrol boats and arms against the people of Guadalcanal and they have not forgotten those incidences.He says the right time to re-arm the Police would be after all parties to the conflict on Guadalcanal have reconciled.

"While I'm happy with the government's policy for truth and reconciliation, it needs to carry it forward.

If we start to re-arm the special units within the Police, we won't be making any achievements in peace and security or in terms of the economy."It's been reported that Police Commissioner Mr Khan had forwarded a submission to government to make provision for 18-million dollars in next years budget.This is to enable Police to arm its Close Protection Unit and Patrol Boats.
posted by administrator @ 9:26 AM   0 comments
Govt Media Services
By Deli OsoPress Secretary to the Prime Minister

The Solomon Islands government is optimistic that the second report of the Pacific Islands Forum reviewers of the Australian-led Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands will reflect uniformed views on the way forward in the SIG/RAMSI partnership.

Speaking at a function to farewell the two member review taskforce last Friday Foreign Minister Patterson Oti said the second phase of the consultative review had been successful and the Solomon Islands government was hopeful that the emanating report would carry consistent views on its partnership with RAMSI and the way forward in rebuilding Solomon Islands.

“We do not want differences reflected in the report. The report must unite Solomon Islands.

“It must reflect a united stand by all stakeholders on the role that RAMSI still has to play and the government is optimistic that will be the case.”

Mr Oti said the review provided the opportunity for all stakeholders in the Pacific Islands regional initiative to have a better footing on their roles.

He said the second phase of the RAMSI review covered all provincial governments and non-state actors in the provinces.

The Pacific Islands Forum endorsed the review in October last year at the request of the Solomon Islands government due to disagreements on how the Australian-led Mission was conducting its operation.

The Solomon Islands government wants RAMSI’s assistance to conform to its national development priorities.

A member of review taskforce, Neil Walters assured the Solomon Islands government that the taskforce will take heed of its wishes.

He said his taskforce was now working on the report on the second phase of its review and it expects to have the proceedings completed by this week.

Mr Walters said the report would be given to the Solomon Islands government and RAMSI for confidential viewing before being submitted to the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders at the 2007 annual convention in Tonga in October.

posted by administrator @ 9:20 AM   1 comments
Solomontimes Online News
23 June 2007

The future role of RAMSI and whether it stays in the Solomon Islands, will be known soon, when the Government announces details of planned amendments towards end of this month.

The Sogavare-led government is intending to introduce an Amendment Bill to change parts of the International Facilitation Act 2003 in next month's session of Parliament.

The Facilitating Act which provides the over-arching framework for RAMSI's operation in the country has recently been the center of debate. The Parliament, if allowed to debate the Amendments, may interfere with the work of the Forum team that is currently reviewing the work of RAMSI.

This will also confirm or dispel speculations amongst observers and political commentators that the Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare and his supporters only have one ultimate goal; to get rid of RAMSI. The goal could also be the fundamental underlying reason for the Government's current stand-off with Australia.

When the Sogavare-led Government announced its intentions to introduce the amendments in a joint consultative meeting in Honiara last week with representatives of the Pacific Forum and RAMSI which caused an uneasy feeling amongst the representatives of the Forum and RAMSI.

The Pacific Forum Consultative Group meeting, second of its kind since February, is known as the Enhanced Consultative Mechanisms (ECM) between SIG and RAMSI. It was established and mandated by the Pacific Forum leaders at their meeting in Nadi last October to undertake a review of RAMSI.The Forum in that meeting agreed to set up the ECM to review RAMSI following stand-offs between the Sogavare-led government and Australia.

Since the Sogavare-led Government came into power in April last year and given the fact that the mission is largely financed by the Australian Government, there has been a period of uneasiness between the two countries to which there are direct implications on RAMSI.

The Chair of the meeting, PNG High Commissioner to Solomon Islands Mr Parai Tamei, in a joint-press conference, told local media that the ECM meeting was successful because it was conducted in a cordial, constructive and serious manner to address issues of interest to the region in as far as they relate to the operations of RAMSI in the Solomon Islands.
posted by administrator @ 9:17 AM   1 comments
Solomontimes Online News
25 June 2007

Within less than a month in office, Police Commissioner Jahir Khan has made his position clear on the issue of rearmament.

Reports from the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation stated that Mr Khan has put in a supplementary budget to the government of two-point-six million US dollars to purchase weapons for the police force.

Mr Khan has reportedly stated that there are two units he would like to see re-armed, they are the police patrol boats and the Close Protection Unit.

Mr Khan stated that he would like to see at least 40 self loading pistols for the Close Protection Unit.

Mr Khan went on to say that the patrol boat needs to be re-armed as it has the responsibility to protect the country's borders and fishing grounds and could encounter dangerous incidences.

Mr Khan however made it clear that as police commissioner, he is obliged to carry out the government's policy of re-armament.
posted by administrator @ 9:07 AM   1 comments
Monday, June 25, 2007
Solomontimes Online News
25 June 2007

Governor of Central Bank Rick Hou has praised the government for its contribution towards the Small Loans Guarantee scheme with the provision of SBD$10 Million.

He says the scheme has been talked about within Government circles for close to 20 years now and although attempts have been made in the past, the current arrangement is the most feasible.

Mr Hou says this includes the option for the participating banks to be part of the scheme and the provision of 10-million dollars to back the guarantee scheme.He says additional features include a minimum amount of SBD$50-thousand dollars which is ten times more than the previous one and a maximum of one million dollars which is four times more than the old scheme.

He says the scheme will also guarantee 80 percent of the unsecured portion of the loan while the remaining 20 percent will be a trust between the participating banks and the applicant. Mr Hou says that under the new scheme, there will be no re-financing of the loan and no interest rate subsidy.

He says the decision whether or not a loan application will be financed solely lies on the participating banks, not the Central Bank or the government, which ensures that only feasible business plans get funded.
posted by administrator @ 12:14 PM   1 comments
SolomonStar News

POLICE raid on the Office of the Legal Draftsman Ranjit Hewagama is now subject to a high court challenge.

Police raided Mr Hewagama’s office late Friday and seized materials which are now in the custody of the High Court – subject to the challenge.No charges were laid.

A source revealed to Solomon Star that the raid was connected to suspended Attorney General Julian Moti. It further states that the raid on Mr Hewagama’s Office was on his capacity as the President of Solomon Islands Bar Association.

Mr Hewagama’s lawyer, Ken Averre has now challenged the validity of the search warrant on his client.

Mr Averre had asked the police to observe protocol and agreed for the documents to be sealed in the High Court.

Mr Hewagama of Sri Lankan origin is the country’s legal draftsman and he was instrumental in the reforms to the country’s laws.

He’s been in the Solomons for more than 20 years.The raid on his office was carried out by Solomon Islands Police Force without the Participating Police Force (PPF), one source said.

Solomon Star understands that the challenge will continue on Wednesday at the High Court after hearings on Friday and Saturday.
posted by administrator @ 12:00 PM   0 comments
Friday, June 22, 2007
Pacific magizine News
(Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat)
22 June 2007

The Pacific Islands Forum Task Force set up to review the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) has completed its second phase of consultations and has expressed satisfaction at the high standard of submissions received during the process.

The review was mandated by Forum Leaders following a submission by the Solomon Islands Government at their meeting in Nadi, Fiji, last October.

“We have been greatly impressed by the quality of submissions from all stakeholders during both phases of the consultations. This clearly reflects the importance they attach to the current work and future directions of RAMSI,” Messrs Kaliopate Tavola (pictured on the right) and Neil Walter, co-leaders of the Task Force said.

“Both national and provincial governments, RAMSI, non-government organizations, civil society, churches, the business sector, professional associations, traditional leaders, community, women’s and youth representatives and others we met have given a lot of thought to their submissions on a road map for RAMSI,” Messrs Tavola and Walter said.

The Task Force is also encouraged by the commitment shown by the Solomon Islands Government, RAMSI and the member countries of the Pacific Islands Forum to ensure the Mission delivers on its mandate stipulated under the Facilitation of International Assistance Act of 2003.

“We encountered a high level of appreciation for the important work done by RAMSI, in conjunction with the Solomon Islands Government, since the difficult times of a few years ago. The recent improvements in cooperation under this partnership will mean the more effective delivery of assistance to improve the lives of Solomon Islanders, especially those in the rural areas,” the Task Force said.

“Without prejudicing our report, it is no secret that there is overwhelming support for RAMSI to remain in Solomon Islands as it still has important work to do in the country. We will be considering a number of suggestions put to us as to how RAMSI and the Solomon Islands Government can further enhance their effectiveness as partners working together in such areas as law and order, justice, the economy and capacity building.”

Messrs Tavola and Walter said: “We are encouraged by the goodwill shown recently through such actions as appointing a Solomon Islands Government Special Envoy to RAMSI, the demarcation between the development component of RAMSI and AusAID-funded projects and the appointment of the Pacific Island Forum’s Representative to Solomon Islands.”

The Task Force has expressed its thanks to the Solomon Islands Government and RAMSI for their willing support during the two-phased consultation process.

The Forum RAMSI Review Task Force will now compile its report for submission to Forum Foreign Affairs Ministers, through the Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum.
posted by administrator @ 12:39 PM   14 comments
Oceania Sports.com

They conquered the world and became one of football's most successful international teams of all time and they're coming to Oceania.

Players that comprised the France team that triumphed at the 1998 FIFA World Cup (pictured on the right) will feature in a charity match staged in honour of New Caledonia-born star Christian Karembeu in Noumea in May 2008.

Players such as Zinedine Zidane, Patrick Vieira, Thierry Henry, Patrick LeBeouf, Stephane Guivarc'h, Bernard Lama, are just some of the galaxy of stars that could make their way to New Caledonia for the match.

FIFA has provided further colour to the occasion by agreeing to send the FIFA All Stars team to Oceania for its annual charity match. FIFA's charity match is always dedicated to humanitarian purpose.

"Next year, it has been agreed that the FIFA All stars team will go in Noumea so that the charity match will feature "France 98" and this football dream team. Then, the benefits will be used for the victims of the tsunami in Solomon Islands, that is the rehabilitation and reconstruction of one hospital and two schools in the two islands hit by the earthquake and tsunami," Reynald Temarii said.

"It will be a unique moment for New Caledonia and we will be there at your side to help host this thrilling event "emphasized the President of the Congress, Harold MARTIN who reiterated his strong support in terms of finance and logistics to OFC and FCF in this matter.

FIFA President Blatter and UEFA President Michel Platini are scheduled to attend the event and will adds further excitement to what promises to be a gala occasion.
posted by administrator @ 9:28 AM   1 comments
SIFF News.com
19 June 2007:

Melbourne-based Solomon Islands international, Henry Fa'arodo Jr. has confirmed his intention to play in the Pacific Games with the aim to win gold for his country.

"I want to do well this year, I want to be successful this time and I want to be a gold medalist."

He told SIFF in an email message that he is looking forward to joining the boys.

"I am looking forward to joining the boys. And I am looking forward to doing well at this year's games. I am doing my very best to be in good form and be ready for this challenge.

The prolific player who spent a good part of playing career abroad in New Zealand and Australia says he would very much want to come home early to be with the squad but is being offered a window of opportunity to train with Melbourne Victory.

"I think it is a great opportunity for me to get to the A-Leagues biggest supporting club by trialing with them and it goes on till July when the windows are closed.

Maybe I will try and sort things out in the coming days and week and hopefully will know what I will do," he adds.
posted by administrator @ 9:21 AM   0 comments

Solomonstar News.com

TWO witnesses who testified before the Commission of Inquiry into the April riots said they were aware that something terrible will happen if the Kemakeza Government returns to power.

The two witnesses Julian Ketei and Noelyn John are residents of Burns Creek, East Honiara.According to Mrs Ketei, who was a Club Paradise employee at the time of the riot, on April 18 when she arrived at her work place her workmates told her to work quickly because Honiara will be burnt down.

“They told me I have to return home early because parliamentarians will vote for the Prime Minister and something might happen if the former government returns to power,” Mrs Ketei told the commission yesterday.

She said by the time she left her workplace two people she met had told her that something had happened at the parliament house.She said at Burns Creek some youth who were selling betel nut in a stall were quite happy when she relayed the story she heard in town to them.

“The boys said that is good, let it burn because when we elect our leaders they bring no change, everything is just the same,” Mrs Ketei quoted the youths.

The Commission of Inquiry into the April riots is currently holding hearings into the April riots last year to find out why it happened, its causes, who involved and how to stop it repeating in future.

Mrs Ketei told the hearing yesterday that a few days after the riot she and some women gathered to discuss their views on the incident.“Some women said Chinatown was burnt because the Chinese business people have not treated their workers fairly such as not paying enough wages to their workers.
“Therefore, some workers who have families relying on them are experiencing too much difficulty in meeting their family’s basic needs,” Mrs Ketei said.

Mrs Ketei told the hearing that youth and the parliamentarians are held responsible for the riot.“Politicians make all kinds of promises during their campaigns but when people vote for them and get them into power, they forget to fulfil those promises. That made people angry because some of those promises are to meet the basic needs of communities.”
Another witness Mrs John said she also heard from other people in Burns Creek prior to the riot that some thing will happen if the former government return to power.She said people have express disagreement over the former government because it had failed to meet the basic needs of the Burns Creek community.

She said she had also learned that people from other provinces did not want the former government as well.She said basic needs such as water supply, electricity, clinics, schools and roads as poorly addressed.

“Even the free education system that the former government also talked about was not also fulfil,” Mrs John said.She suggested that any government in the future must address the issues raised in order that no riot will happen again.

The Government also need to address local people to start or run their businesses, assist locals to address land issues in Honiara, especially in the distribution of land as it is always been unfairly distributed.“With regards to business, some of the business activities where those who are uneducated can do were always blocked by the government.

This is a concern because we do not have the brains to do bigger businesses so the only things that we are able to manage are things like, betel nut stalls, fish and chips and other small activities, “ Mrs John said.She said education must be the priority of the government because illiteracy is very high.Mrs John said she strongly believed that if the current Government and any Governments coming in the future address those needs, there will be change in the rural communities and the town and nothing like a riot will take place again.Meanwhile, the third witness, Samson Alegao, of Kaibia Settlement in Honiara agreed that the background of the riot is the anger of the people towards the former government.

They do not want the former government to return to power again because they think it was corrupted, therefore, they want to see the change in Government.“ So when they saw Snyder Rini getting the Prime Minister ship, they got angry and reacted in a hostile way which ended in the riot.”Alegao also blamed the local police and RAMSI for failing to stop the riot when it started at the Parliament.

He said, it should have been the local police who should control the crowd at the Parliament house and not RAMSI.“ I suggested that police must bring back the riot squad that our local police once had. I also see that it was wrong for RAMSI to equip with guns because the fact is it made people to get angry. I think if local police approach people they will listen because they do it with bare hands,” he explained.

Alegao suggested that the Government must observe and must always equipped our local police, at the same time police too must be trained to deal with such problems.He also highlighted that Government leaders too must refrain from any involvement in corrupt activities.And they must learn and listen to the wishes of their people.

Three Directors from the Winds of Change anti - corruption organisation will give their testimonies today.
posted by administrator @ 8:45 AM   0 comments

A HONIARA City councillor Lawrence Makili claims plans are currently underway for the sale of Soltai to a cannery company in Philippines.

Speaking to Solomon Star this week, Mr Makili said the government is currently negotiating with RD Cannery to take over Soltai.

“This negotiation has been going on for the last two weeks and I have evidence to prove the proposed plan,” Mr Makili said.He said RD Cannery has already bought a cannery company in Papua New Guinea and is now looking at Solomon Islands.

However, Chairman of Soltai Board Fed Seda said he had no knowledge of such plans.He said if this was to happen then it will be revealed in their meeting this weekend.Investment Corporation general manager John Mane had also denied the sale yesterday.

But said it is a government policy to revitalise its State Own Enterprises (SOEs) and profitable companies by making them more profitable.

“Government policy is trying to achieve that.“So intentions to achieve that policy is something that is ongoing,” he said.

Mr Mane said for the government to talk with any investors is a thing that happens everyday but as far as he knows the government had not made any negotiation with any company to take over Soltai.

He said it is normal that the government will talk to those who show interest in investing in the country.

Soltai is owned by the Solomon Islands Government and Western Province.

Solomon Star’s attempts to talk to the Minister of Fisheries were unsuccessful.Recently, the Government had promised to expand more on the industry. The tuna industry contributed to about 15 per cent of the country’s economy.

According to Mr Makili, the Government wanted to sell Soltai because it wanted to enable the export of dolphin from the Solomon Islands.

Previously the Solomon Islands Government allowed the export of dolphins, but because European countries boycotted buying Solomon Islands’ tuna products it banned the export of dolphins.

But Mr Makili said if the Government paid more attention to Soltai it can be a very productive industry.
posted by administrator @ 8:30 AM   0 comments
SIBConline News
18:48 hrs

The Solomon Islands Government must open up more to its foreign partners and produce the right environment where foreign investment can be attracted.

The Taiwanese Ambassador to Honiara, George Chan says that with less restrictions on foreign investments, more incentives including less taxation and tariff deduction, trade and investment between Taiwan and Solomon Islands and the region will increased.

Mr Chan says that trade and investment are without boundaries.He says poverty is the cause of all evil in any nation, and the best way to eradicate poverty is to trade and invest more to create more jobs and wealth for the people.

"Taiwan used to be an agriculture based society in the 1940s however,with the hard working spirits of the people, good governments and international development assistance received, Taiwan has been able to become a modern country with high- tech enterprises today. Taiwan's successful experience could be a good example for Solomon Islands."

But Mr Chan says the first thing that Solomon Islands must achieve for this success, is land reforms which must be implemented to attract foreign investors.He was speaking this morning at the opening of the 2007 Taiwan Trade Fair in Honiara.
posted by administrator @ 8:26 AM   0 comments
SIBConline News
18:50 hrs

Chairman of the Leadership Code Commission, Emmanuel Kouhota (pictured on the left) says the commission is concerned about reports that members of some provincial assembly executives are being paid excessive allowances by logging companies.

Mr Kouhota says the money is paid to provincial executives who conducts or sit through timber rights hearings.He says it is usually the logging companies who request those provincial executives about the hearings, and pay them allowances when they attend.

Mr Kouhota says the allowances can be as high as three-thousand dollars.He says the commission is concerned because this could undermine the credibility of those provincial executives and compromise their positions on logging issues.

He says complaints reaching the commission say this practice occurs in nearly all the provinces.

Mr Kouhota says since complaints were raised informally and verbally with the commission, they could not do much about it.

He says members doing the duty of sitting at timber rights hearings should only receive allowances equal to the normal allowance paid to them at provincial assembly meetings.
posted by administrator @ 8:21 AM   1 comments
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Chris Porter Speaks Out on Dolphin Issue
Solomon Times Online News
21 June 2007

The Director of the Solomon Islands Marine Mammal Education Center (SIMMEC) and Marine Exports Limited (MEL), Christopher Porter, released a press statement yesterday on the dolphin issue.

"From the beginning I have clearly presented the project to all Government Agencies as well as the general public in the same manner" said Porter

"My dream is to create a breeding center for dolphins that also serves as a resort where guests have the opportunity to spend unlimited times learning and being close with dolphins"

Porter stated that during his original search for a site within the Pacific region he was told of the unique Dolphin Hunting Tradition of the Solomon Islands.

"Specialized dolphin hunters call and collect wild dolphins to kill them for their teeth and meat. 1,000 dolphin teeth is a common bride price in some parts of the Solomon's

"I became intrigued by the hunting tradition and extremely excited about the opportunity to work together with these Specialized Hunters and try to work out a live alternative use for dolphins which maintains the cultural values of utilization of the dolphins but keeps the dolphins alive and which brings far greater economic value to the community as a whole.

"On the controversial issue of the exportation of dolphins Chris Porter stated that during his five years of operation only one export shipment of dolphins has occurred. Porter went on to say that within a span of 5 years SIMMEC/MEL have also invested over 7 million SBD. "The Solomon's own Wildlife Protection Act allows for collection, display and even export of wildlife provided criteria are met" said Porter .

"SIMMEC/MEL adhere and follow all necessary requirements. The company has had direct communication with CITES as well as the UN (via IUCN) to ensure the animals are kept in legal means that meet all International requirements to ensure their welfare is kept at the forefront of all discussions"
posted by administrator @ 1:10 PM   1 comments
SIBConline News
18:48 hrs

Member of Parliament for West New Georgia and VonaVona, Peter Boyers has called on Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare to leave God out of politics.

The call is part of Mr Boyers' scathing attack on the Prime Minister for comments he made recently, criticising the Opposition for having allegedly involved in what he described as evil strategies against his God-led government.

Mr Boyers says what God would want is for the people of Solomon Islands to have peace of mind and for their children to have a secure future.

He says the Prime Minister is deceiving the nation by using God to justify incompetence and corruption.
posted by administrator @ 1:07 PM   1 comments
Papua New Guinea Dancers in amazing
and unique costumes.
posted by administrator @ 1:00 PM   1 comments
SIBConline News
18:33 hrs

Soccer fans will be treated to an international soccer match next Saturday when Papua New Guinea's senior national team tours Honiara.

The Solomon Islands Football Federation says PNG’s team manager John Kapi Natto has confirmed that the PNG side is coming to Honiara on 29th June.

Mr Natto says the team will play one friendly match with Solomon Islands National Team and then on the first of July the team will travel to Fiji to play two matches.

He says the PNG national side is going ahead with the tour despite uncertainties over whether they can convince PNG Sports Commission to put them back onto the PNG contingent for Samoa.

Natto reiterates that they are taking the trip even if their appeal is unsuccessful.
posted by administrator @ 8:26 AM   1 comments
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Govt media Services
By George Herming
20 June 2007

Tribal leaders of the Auluta Basin Palm Oil Project have concluded a successful consultative mission with National Government Officials this week.

The delegation consisting of Auluta Basin and East Fataleka Resource Owners Association which also included the High Council of Chiefs and Central Trust Board members were pleased with the outcome of talks with the government.

The group held discussions with the Prime Minister, the Minister of Lands and the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock on separate occasions.

Group Spokesperson Philip Bara said the high-level discussions were made to inform the government of landowners’ readiness by surrendering customary land in preparation towards the acquisition hearings and registration of customary land.

“We assured the government that we want a smooth running of the Malaita Oil Palm project and to fulfill the many dreams and vision of our traditional leaders and the ruling government of the day,” Mr Bara said.

Chief Bara said landowners are worried about further delays in the project and urged the government to properly fund the project.

“Our coming here is to protect and defend this palm oil project because this project will give benefit for everyone and the national government,” he said. “We do not want corrupt practices to be involved in the process.

Land mobilization took place 3 years ago and has resolved many land disputes in the region.

Mr Bara said this was achieved as a result of the introduction of the Customary Land Recording Act and the group wants the government to reactivate the Customary Land Recognition Act of 2000 to empower traditional leaders to advance the project.
The delegation thanked the Grand Coalition Government, especially Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare for the generous support towards the consultative mission.

“We particularly appreciate the Prime Minister for his positive response to our discussion,” Bara said. “We believe Mr Sogavare’s door is open to accept people to hold talks on important issues rather than going out in the media”.
posted by administrator @ 6:04 PM   1 comments
Govt Media Services
By Chris Leua
20 June 2007

Development of palm oil in Choiseul Province entered a new phase with the formal appointment of Choiseul Oil Palm Project Manager.

The Project Manager, Mr Eric Djokovic, today signed a contract with the Permanent Secretary of Agriculture and Livestock Edward Kingmele, which will allow initial ground work on the project to begin.

And one of Mr Djokovic main task is to establish a project office in Choiseul Province which will coordinate the ground work, said Permanent Secretary Special Duties Mr Francis Lomo.

Mr Lomo said the Choiseul Oil Palm Project is being allocated $500,000 on the Government Budget to kick start this year.

Another major task of the Project Manager is to conduct the feasibility study of the proposed areas which is expected to be completed within the next two months.

A major component of the feasibility study is the conducting of awareness programs and discussion with the communities involved as well as the identification of appropriate lands for oil palm development, Mr Lomo said.

Mr Lomo said some of the areas earmarked for the project include Northeast and South Choiseul.

posted by administrator @ 6:01 PM   1 comments

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