Hannah Harborow RRRT Media Officer Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Know of any group making a difference in your community, country or across the region?
RRRT is seeking nominations and applications for the 7th RRRT PacificHuman Rights Awards in recognition of Pacific organisations that over the year 2006/7 have helped make our region a better place to livethrough promoting social and economic justice, defending human rights, promoting respect and understanding, or enhancing the dignity of the poor and disadvantaged.
Awards totalling FJ$8000 will be made in acknowledgement of winners'work.
RRRT currently offers prizes under two categories - the Pacific region and Fiji - however these may change if a large number of applicants from other Pacific Island countries are received.
Applicants or nominees must: 1. Be a national or regional Pacific Island organisation.Individuals cannot apply for the award.* 2. Have demonstrated extraordinary and exemplary initiative inpromoting and advancing human rights or human rights education at anational and/or regional level for women, children, youth or otherdisadvantaged groups over the preceding year. 3. Be a formally established organisation, association or body, setup in accordance with the laws of the country in which it is based. 4. Clearly demonstrate the internal practice of good governance. 5. Show a strong commitment to social justice and human rights.**
So apply for your organisation, or nominate another in the Pacific, and gain recognition for making an outstanding contribution to the wellbeingof your community. Form can be obtain from the RRRT website.
Deadline for applications is 9th November, 2007. Winners will be announced at an awards ceremony in Suva on 10thDecember, 2007 (International Human Rights Day).
Previous winners of the 6th Pacific Human Rights Awards (announced in early 2006) were the Makira Community Conservation Foundation (Solomon Islands), Samoa AIDS Foundation, Tuvalu Church Women Fellowship, Equal Ground Pasifika, the Fiji Disabled People's Association and Women's Action forChange (Fiji). |
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